Friday, June 24, 2005

steveson - what??? its classy...

so yesterday i took a speratic trip out to the 'burbs to visit matt...he wanted me to bring my camera so i could take some pictures and blog them...i think he hates my obsession with blogging...but i dont really care...he is clearly jealous of me...

the thing with matts family is that they eat dinner 7ish...where my family eats dinner the man tells me to leave my house at 6:30 so that by the time i get to his he will be done dinner and we can go out...well by the time i had gotten there they hadn't even started at i got to join them and eat my second dinner that night...

we had good food...chicken, cold noodles, green beans...all so very yummi

then we left for steveson...his parents thought that was a bit sketchy of us - they are uber makes me jealous...matt is so lazy - maybe thats why we get along so well...we got to take the new volvo on our 5 minute made us feel special - people stared - especially when matt made noises with the clutch

we walked along the board walk and made fun of people...ugly young couples kept staring at us...and i know it's because we were the hottest emo thing going - matt hates when i referr to emo

next we went to get ice cream in the village...we were two feet away from the store when matt decided it would be more fun to walk all the way back, get the car, and drive we i told him stories about how boys are stupid...

the ice cream was good...matt didnt look at the girl serving us b.c. he thought he was too cool...our next stop was gary point...everytime i stepped in to or out of the volvo i felt like the coolest person in the world...and people stared and i loved it...we decided to be a snooty married couple with our hot was a good plan...

next i wanted to go to the dyke...a rehashing of old memories...masochistic...we drove like the wind breaking all speed limits - i was on cop watch - he kept turing around and going different ways b/c people infront of us were going to slow...thats matt for you...after we went to dairy queen because i was cravinig fries...he was embarassed to be there...

for more steveson pictures click here and view the steveson photo album