so...while everyone was waiting oh so patiently for their new Harry Potter book to come in, i was sitting at home waiting for that fateful moment when the mailman would come to my door and leave me with a package of amusement and hilarity...
waiting and waiting...i thought they had forgotten about me...
alas...after a week and a bit it finally came...with an 8 dollar "crossing the bored and i dont like you" crap tax fee mother was quite annoyed and demanded i tell her why i was buying crap off the internet...i was like MOM IT'S RAYMI...she just doesnt understand sometimes...
i put it to use the second i got it...i couldn't believe how many emails raymi actually gets...and how bizzare they are...who are these people emailing her???
my favorite email was about someone telling her that if they could be a boob, they would want to be a raymi boob...and it makes would be famous as one of raymi's breasts...all that exposure, i'm surprised they dont have a fan club...*mental note....
the two minute drawings are also quite the surprise...your all intensly reading these emails and you turn the page and BOOM...a drawing about the penis monologues...i think i was on the bus when i came across that one...and burst out laughing....oh raymikins...
i bought this book...well...because i thought i would be reading raymis blog for a while and seeing the kinds of things on that i figured this had to be just as good...i also wanted to show raymi that the cool people buy her stuff...and you cant expect to get all the entertainment with out having to pay for at least some of it...even though she only gets 9 bucks out of the whole least its something!
ok so now everyone go here and buy this book too...if you want to be amsued, see what all this raymi fuss is about, die laughing, and just be cool all and all...then buy this book...the interview with raymi at the end was another one of my favorite parts...
p.s. - there is a picture of me on her blog...its pretty rad...i've actually made it onto raymis is historical...
MUSIC - Black Heart Procession - Square Heart
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