since then i am a waste
one of my favorite parts about the trip to manning is the drive up there...not only do we get to pass through cities we only see once a year, but the moutains and forests that surround us are absolutely amazing...
every time we go up it always stirs my love of the out doors and the makes me want to be an environmentalist and go and hug trees...i know bruce cockburn would be usually i use manning as a time to do what i love best...lying in bed and doing absolutely NOTHING...everyone always makes fun of me because they know that i rarely leave my room during those four days...and they always make it such a big deal when i do...
saturday night david promised us that if we got up early and went hiking with him he would throw us a big drunk fest that night since it was our last...we all agreed but it was skeptical as to who was actually going to show up...alexis and i went to bed early because we actually wanted to go and we didn't want to let david the next morning just before 8 jake came and woke us turned out that out of all of us only me, alexis, jake, becky, and uncle paul were going to head out on this journey...since it was concert t-shirt weekend i thought i would be perfect to wear my bruce cockburn one...everyone was quite impressed
manning has four main lakes...Lightning, strike, flash, and we decided to walk around the first three...we saw deer and sang all the songs we knew off by heart...we acted like goofs, recited lines from famous movies and took in all the beautiful scenery - unlce paul posed as our tour guide...once we got to the third lake we stopped and had lunch...becky took off her shoes and went for a dip and the boys attempted to skip rocks...jake was pretty good at it...then jake and i attempted to remember all the terms we learned from
geography 12...but all we could remember was circe and soil we just kept pointing out those two things as to sounds really smart...but we made a pack that eventually we would go back to school and re-learn geography...and im going to go back to my highschool to steal the textbooks - i have easy access there...
after the hike we went to lightning lake where steve came and him and jake when kiaking (sp?)...i attempted to study but instead took pictures of the beautiful lake...and slept in the sun...
unfortuently by the time we got home we were so tired...that we ended up going to bed early...and didn't have our drunk fest...but not to worry!! tomorrow is the family picnic so we will make up for it there - and all those who i newly adopted...make sure you come too!
MUSIC - Matthew Good - In A World Called Catastrophe
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