new orleans is sinking man and I don't wanna swim
el primo giorno de esquela...ok that was a mixture of spanish and italian...
but was the first day of school...and boy was it tiring...
i had 5 hours of Textile Design today...whats the point of the class you ask??? good question...i think its where we get to expariment with fabrics and textiles to create our own and stuff...and we have projects that follow that...our class was so small today ... only 15 of us ...i guess the farther you get in the program the harder it gets and the more people tend to drop out...but apparently we are getting peeps from finland in it soon or something so that should be interesting...
getting up this morning wasn't too bad...i usually have to get up two hours before class starts in order to do whats i got to do and travel there and i carpool with laura everyday so that makes it more fun...
fashion school is kinda a joke...but only because its so much fun so it seems like a joke because you like never have to write papers and stuff...its all creative and fun ness...and i will be using you guys for my projects...becuase you are all so rad and stuff and i want your imput!
we went to value village after school because everything was 50% off...i bought a bunch of mans going to make skirts out of excited
driving home was a bitch and i almost got into 3 accidents...i swear people can NOT drive out here...especially when the lights aren't working and stupid people dont know what to do so they just drive into you...GAWD...what are they morons...
for a 5 hour class where all i did was dye lace with kool-aid i am sure damn kinda scard as to how i am going to have time to blog and do all the crap i have to do...its going to be hard...that and i will prob. blog about fashion and school stuff and bore you all to death...
matt good is playing a 19+ show on the 5th of if you wanna come with me tell me...because i have no friends who are 19+ who like him...and i love him...rowr...and IN A COMA comes out in...14 days baby!!!
MUSIC - Tragically Hip - New Orleans is Sinking
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