definitely this is the wrong place to be, there's blood on the futon, there's a kid drinking fire alive...thank god...
i have been running around all day and this is the first time i have been able to sit and relax all by myself all day long...i totally value my alone time and start to go crazy if i dont get some time in the day to sit and be by myself...
i just dropped matt off at the skytrain station after our usual monday dinner and degrassi...tonights episode was especially lame...they are currently dealing with 'anorexic and bulimic' was quite histerical...
today i am offically halfway done the semester...and i thank jesus for that...after 2 and a half years i am totally ready to move on...its time to get a job and kick school in the ass...matt bought gay gold chains today as to look...i dont know...gangsta...or emo...or something...Oh and remind me that i have a great emo post for mikey involves my brother and cousin jacob so you know its going to be good...
im doing a great black and white photo shoot with matt this weekend as part of my photography class...we have to use the same subject and same background and everything but we get to experiment with different types of if anyone has any tips on great black and white film let me know...i want these to turn out good and not crappy making me waste money...
'aight...its time to hit the sack...ive stressed out about enough pointless things today...
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