time may change me...but i cant change time
so jacob and alexis and emily came over for dinner last night and it was good times...
jacob and i drank beer and i was pretty tippsy at dinner and was laughing at everything...i hate getting drunk around parentals cause then they all look at you and know you are drunk and i hate that...unless they are drunk with you and dont care then its all good... my dad and i rock at getting drunk together and then laughing at everything...
we watched the life aquatic because people hadn't seen it...but we had to stop half way because it was late and they had to go home so that totally sucked...alexis let me borrow stereopathetic soul manure so i was excited...
jacob played that stupid copy cat game and did everything i was doing and so i was spazzing out so that he would spazz out to and he did and i was getting so annoyed...it was funny for like a second...
im going to make a list of all the stuff i need to get done today...i know that i wont get most of it done but its my goal to get some of it done...actually i dont have a choice i need to get it done...in order of importance...
1) finish typing up stuff for work - i was too lazy this weekend and its due tomorrow
2) do my photography take home test - that will be easy!
3) write up my last photography project - which i will be posting tomorrow
4) watch project runway - i had a dream that i was in love with santino last night...eww
5) fabric headers for my project on fridaystress attack now...i would say hella stress attack but someone thinks that saying hella is lame...its ok tho...i still love the word and him...
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