You've gotta get up close like this and - bada-BING! - you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit. C'mere...
so my weekend with the was a wonderful one...
dad got the trilogy for his birthday one year...but they are on we tried to hook up the vcr to the big screen with no such the next step was to rent it on dvd...well we must have called 10 different rental places and none of them had all three in...then finally we found a blockbuster that had them...only problem was that it was in after a half an hour drive and a lesson in gangsta rap we came home gloriously with our movies... the time was about 8 and we figured we could get through at least the first two with no prior knowledge on my behalf...and no research behind this spur of the moment decision i had no idea what the time line was going to be with these movies...i knew they were long but really had no idea was i was in for...
so we start at 8...watched the first...watched the stopping...i then look at my watch and its 3 in the morning...umm holy crap that was long...we clearly left the third movie for another night since we were in no mood to start it...
so tonight we embarked on the third and final chapter that is the godfather...and i sit here before you - just after watching it - feeling more italian then ever...even tho nothing of what i just watched applies to me since it is based on a southern italian family and i am from the north...but none the less...
now i want to go watch them that i will understand it better...there were way too many characters and way to much southern dialect for me to understand...if only i had another 10 hours to spare...
on a side note...i think all men should wear three piece suits...or at least a nice pair of slacks...wife beater...and suspenders...such a turn on...
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