Wednesday, November 15, 2006

i hate my life, its full of strife, give me a knife...

- a poem inspired last night by the vancouver canucks...but lets not talk about that disaster...

its dark and the rain is coming down not moving from this house for the next 24 hours so really it can just rain and be as dark as it likes...i love sitting here with no lights on, no music on and just let the sound of the rain drops entertain my pretty sure i heard thunder last night...

yesterday i registered for my last semester EVER...Which was both thurally exciting and a little sad...especially when the last four years of my life have been so specifically planned out...And ivy been in school since i was 5 its weird to think that next year will be something entirely different...i got one of my teachers to go through all the flats i had drawn out yesterday and to show me where i need to make some changes...she kept going from being nice about it to giving me attitude about it...i really didnt understand why...i swear she sits there and judges me all the time...and im actually not the only one that thinks that...

so i have to re vamp my flats, buy the last of my fabrics, get coloured paper for my portfolio, buy old sweaters at value village, figure out my portfolio layout, figure out my colour ways, and make a final sku plan...among other things...

i left my alarm set last night which meant that it went off at 7 this morning...and instead of turning it off i just let it ring...then snooze...10 minutes later ring...then snooze...and i did this until 8...i think i thought i would get up early...

its still dark and rainy

felice...stanco...triste...ammalato...arrabbiato...ti amo