capo dei catzo

i walk in the door and the first thing he says to me is 'you look old today'
honestly now
the other night while making pizza i had the most ridiculous realization of just how italian i was... i was fulfilling the stereotype right then and there...i was making a pizza, while yelling italian phrases...i mean i know im italian...CLEARLY...but i dont realize it so much until im surrounded by non italians and then do something stereotypical and they all get enjoyment out of it when really its just natural for me...
its also interesting when you go to peoples houses and they find out you're italian and get all they ask you all these italian questions and tell you stories about italy and ask if you have a fig tree in the back yard and look surprised when you say no...
i love it really...its such a marketing ploy...its so easy meeting new people cause everyone has something to say about italians...good and bad...but at least its a conversation piece...
being italian has saved my ass so many times...i just start waving my hands and say 'ehhh ohh' and everyone loves me...for the most least its amusing...
"dont think for a minute that i am anything less then 98% italian"
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