Thursday, August 23, 2007


omg shoot me now…

im bored...nothing is exciting...EVERYTHING BORES ME...

i went from 4 weeks of there being not enough time in the day to get everything done and it was mad stress…to now being bored out of my mind!!! theres stuff to do but none of it i want to do and i find myself searching celebrity blogs all day long instead of getting work done…but this in turn makes me hate the internet cause i end up staring at it all day and my brain wants to explode...

there is nothing exciting happening...

the shipping company lost our lining and im suppose to call them cause they didn’t get back to me today but i really don’t want to cause seriously fuck you guys are idiots…

my lunch sucks and that makes me sad…i need some meat...i dont even remember the last time i had meat in my lunch...its just been an explosion of left over veggies...and then by 3 in the afternoon i go crazy cause im just not satisfied with my lunch and i sneak out and go to the gas station and stuff my face with junk food and that makes me feel happy for 3 seconds before i feel sick...

nothing exciting for lunch EITHER...

you know when your alarm wakes you up so you hit snooze but in the 5 minutes that you fall asleep again you have a really involved dream that seems like it really should have taken an hour to occur...this morning i had a 5 minute nightmare where i was at a mall and there were these large screens on the wall playing a documentary of these chicks having abortions and they were showing all the goory details and i almost had a friggin heart attack in seeing these innocent babies killed and i wanted to die...i woke up im not going to get into my personal view on abortions but the thought that occur...and so frequently at that breaks my heart and makes fume...but anyways i cant even think about it cause it will just make me upset...

then it took me a million hours to get dressed cause I have no nice clothes and im bored with everything and all i own is a million concert t-shirts and nothing actually decent enough to wear to work that makes me feel good about myself...there is nothing exciting in my closet...

see the excitement...where has it all gone???

and so here i am having to re due 6 costings cause the price of the fabric changed...i cant stand the thrill...its just too much...

the only thing that de-bores the whole situation is my over reaction to any joke that chad makes...but only because he laughs so hard that it makes me laugh...

this is what i need right now...

new clothes
a party