Wednesday, August 22, 2007

do you understand how exactly what i want that is

i feel like doing an honesty in the honest mood today...sometimes its just fun and relieving to be honest and communicate your thoughts instead of letting them fester inside of you until you keel over in a fit of tears and you dont know why...

let see if any of this gets me into trouble...

  • i dont want my boss to hire a production manager because i dont want to lose the power i just gained
  • i have not bought the latest matthew good cd and i dont think i will
  • i am scared of ghosts grabbing my bum
  • i am majorly, ridiculously, head over heals in love...with a blogger none the less
  • sometimes i will work right though lunch so i dont have to go eat lunch in the lunchroom with everyone, but rather i can sit at my desk in peace
  • i have eaten cookies for breakfast almost every day for the past 10 years
  • i always hated my ass and thought it was too big...until i met someone who who told me he loved it
  • i kissed boys in forts made out of boxes when i was in preschool
  • i still cozzy up to a blanket every night when i go to bed...but i had to get a new one cause the one i had as a kid fell apart
  • your nose hair is long
  • as a kid i believed that when we were at the toy store, if i found a toy that didnt have a tag on it then it must have been because it was some kids who lost it, therefore it was fair game for me to other words...i stole from the toy store
  • sometimes i want to listen to my music
  • i never want to go back in time because i hate the past
  • i dont like you because even tho my life is better, a part of me is still jealous of you
  • once i had a crush on one of my cousins
  • i want to get married next year
  • i eat junk food when you arent looking
  • when i iron chads shirts i smell them
  • i got into a fender bender but didnt tell anyone
  • i like that my body is covered in freckles