poo molecules
dad putting up christmas lights in his wicked work toque...he is standing on the bit of roof that is outside my bedroom window...
this is my amazing winter toque/scarf that i got in australia...i wore it shopping last week and chad said that everyone was staring at me...its only because they are jealous and want such a hot toque...
it is suppose to snow today...A WHOLE 2 CM!!!
so i will keep you posted with the weather information for today...
its 11:00 and currently where i am it has not started...
but the sky is very dark...which i dont think its suppose to be for snow...
Alicia and i dont want to work today so we've been on Urban Outfitters website picking stuff out for me to tell Chad to get me for Christmas cause i dont know what i want...so far i have a blue pashmina style scarf and a red lumber jack hoodie...i think i might get him a book on poo...ha...i should go down there this weekend and check out what they have in store...
this weekend we finished all the tiling and grouting in the apartment...all the bits that we were waiting for tiles to come in and small bits waiting to be touched up...NOW IT IS ALL DONE...and i am ecstatic...i hate grout...tonight i will seal it all and it will be BEAUTIFUL...im so glad we are finished that...
ok i should work...currently NO SNOW...i hope we only get a little tho cause if we get lots i wont be able to drive up the giant hill between my house and chads...and that would just suck...
***1:30 - its raining here...but we are at a low elevation...which means its snowing somewhere!!!
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