Monday, December 17, 2007

im actually going to become mrs. ciavarro

ahh and finally i have a chance to post!

i was sick all last week...and basically even worse this weekend...this is the first time in a week i have had a minute to myself and haven't felt completely gross...

i dont even know where to begin with what has happened...its been a roller coaster of fun that i havent had much of a chance to enjoy due to my sicky face...

thursday night was definitely one for the record books...

of course the first thing we did was put it on facebook because we knew there was no way we could let everyone know without spending every minute on the phone for the rest of the night...

needless to say, once the news was phoned wouldnt stop ringing with people wanting to wish chad and i congratulations...

the computer nerds that we are even took out a moment to blog the event and then spent the next hour checking all the comments on facebook...

i should have clued in that night that something was up when i came over and chad was wearing appose to his pjs

in all its glory!

however its 2 and a half sizes too mother obviously doesnt know my ring its off to the shop getting resized and hopefully i will have it back for saturday...

chad wrapped the ring in tinfoil and then stuck it in this present like so and hung it on the christmas tree for me to was super cute!

my nose is squished and i look like poo because i clearly had no idea what was going on that night and so i had a shower and put on my sweats and headed over expecting to pass out on the couch...not expecting that there was going to be a proposal going on...

i phoned my parents right away and they were very excited...

chad asked my dad for my hand in marriage (so cute!) about a month ago so they have been waiting eagerly for the past month waiting to hear when the actually event was to go down...

leave it to chad to make parents adore him...

the tinfoil beauty...

on friday night our parents met for the first time...this meeting had been planned long before the engagement happened so the timing was perfect...chads parents had no idea and were quite surprised when they showed up and we told them...but everyone was happy and excited for us!

the weekend was filled with parties and phone calls and best wishes and all of it left me exhausted and over whelmed passed out on the couch all of sunday with no voice, no energy, and a pile of Kleenex on the floor...

so now chad is in calgary working and i am home sick from work...hopefully resting today will make me better for the rest of the week...

hopefully this blog wont become completely obsessed with wedding stuff now...and hopefully we will finalize a date this week...

and so the fun begins!