Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm not Irish

We are going to the old local pub tonight.
I'm excited to go NOT because its some day you wear green but because I haven't been there in forever and its where Chad and I use to go on all our secret dates.
You know back in the day when we all hid it from you.
It just so happens that the Canucks game is on PPV so we HAVE to go to the pub to watch it.
Thats the only reason we are going.
And I didn't have time today to do a proper post because I was consumed with trying to upload all the renovation pictures to flickr and then trying to organize them.
I'm still not done.
Hopefully tomorrow.
Anyways, now I am wasting time on facebook and Chad better be here in 15.
I just ate two pieces of raisin bread and its so good but thats like 210 calories.
Its that even right!?
Is that even a lot? I dunno it sounds like a lot.
Anyways, I'm just rambling now.
I should go make sure I don't look like a slob.
Holla atcha boy.