Yes Officer, I would like to report a stabbing.
Easter Weekend. A time where you try and balance a billion days worth of church and some sort of relaxation with a tendency to want to be productive.
In my quest to make my transition from singleton to wife as easy as possible I spent a portion of this weekend going through another batch of my things separating them into categories of Keep, Save for memory purposes, and Chuck.
The "Keep" pile includes things I still use and will bring over into my new home. The "Save for memory purposes" pile includes stuff from my childhood that I would like to keep for sentimental purposes and seeing that my Mother hates when I throw anything out from when I was a kid she will graciously be holding onto those boxes for me. Lastly was the box of stuff that I will either give away to throw out.
It felt absolutely amazing to clean everything out and organize it. I always feel better when I do that.
Friday afternoon we went to Micheal's Craft Store to spend a million dollars on getting a poster custom framed. It will look amazing tho. I have a vision. It's all about the vision.
We went to Good Friday Mass at my Uncles Church with the fam. As Chad mentioned in his post some chick behind us passed right out and hit her head on the pew due to the lack of fresh air in the Church, as well, a fist fight almost occurred in front of us because some pretentious old lady wouldn't open up the window so we could all breath a little. It was most interesting.
After mass we all headed over to my Uncle Paul's some Fish n' Chips for din din. However, being that we are all Rossi's we had to have a pre dinner drink first. It's tradition.
Apparently the first taste wasn't a good taste.
Chad and his Port.
I am a lamp head.
I love this picture.
The Rossi's love their Scotch. And then you wonder why Chad fits in so well.
I'm classy. Except for my retarded hair. But anyways.
Saturday we went to Easter Vigil mass which is probably my favorite out of all the masses this weekend. Lots of things happen and its all very entertaining.
It started at 9 and didn't end until just after 11. We then went over to my Uncle Bernard's house for some drinks and such with a few other people. We left there and made it home by about 12 where my Dad pulled out the scotch and he, Chad, and my brother all indulged. The mom brought out the basket of chocolate and we all sat around and munched and drank.
This is Easter to us.
Chad had a caramel cream egg.
The parentals went to bed shortly after the scotch but we stayed up till 1:45. I have no idea why. I was exhausted tho so it wasn't the smarted idea.
Sunday morning I got to sleep in, but not long enough. When I woke up I felt heavy and all head coldish so I feared that Mr. Ciavarro had passed on his week long cold to me. I spent the majority of the day not feeling so hot and napping. When everyone came over for dinner I was at about my worst point. I was all hot and cold and my stomach was truly upset with me.
I attempted to eat dinner and then had to pass out on the tiled floor in the bathroom because I was so hot and it was the only thing that cooled me down. It was rather pathetic.
I fell asleep on the couch while everyone else ate and chatted and had a good time. It sucked. When I woke up Mom made me some tea and I started to feel better. Eventually everyone left and Chad and I took over the couch and watched the Discovery Channel until Midnight.
I woke up yesterday feeling tired but other then that perfectly fine. Most bizarre 24 hour sickness ever.
Yesterday however, was the day where nothing went right, and even though you really tried to make it, it ended up being a loose loose situation no matter what. Therefore yesterday was emotionally draining and exhausting.
Tonight Matt and I are going out for dinner. Just so happens to be at the same place and the same time and my Mom and her girlfriends. Should be interesting.
Poor Chad will be at home and have to eat dinner all alone again :(
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