Friday, May 23, 2008

They act like people give a rat's clitoris

(HAHAHAHAHAH...omg I stole that line from a celebrity blog and I died laughing.)

At the beginning of the week I started to blog about all the things that happened on the weekend but then it got too long and I got bored and then work got buys. So to re cap really quickly here we go...

- Another pre-wedding session with Zio Bernard
- Drinks with Dario & Marlee on our Deck
- Drinks with Dario & Marlee at the Cactus Club

- Fit wedding dress with Matt
- Chad over to wash car
- Metrotown with Matt to shop
- Buy Chad summer shirts
- Buy me gladiator shoes and a high waisted knit black skirt
- Back to the apartment for dinner
- Run to Safeway to get food for dinner
- Die of heat in the apartment while trying to eat steak
- Downtown to Urban Outfitters to exchange a top I got for my Birthday from the In-Laws
- Out to Steve & Ashleigh's in White Rock for beer and Chit Chat

- Church
- Pick up cookies from Coffis Meat Market
- Home to hang out
- Back to the Church hall to set up for my parents 25th Wedding Anniversary Party
- Party but leave early because the Rossi's don't know how to party late

- Over to the apartment to re paint the moldings
- Clean closets and drawers instead of paint
- Lunch - Hot Dogs (They were amazing this is why I am listing them)
- Clean more
- Meet Dario & Marlee at Deer Lake for some Canoeing
- Go home cause its raining
- Clean more
- Head over to the parentals for dinner (leftovers from the night before) with Dario & Marlee and my God Parents
- Watch Dateline and fear Chad killing me in Mexico

Yay Long Weekends!

Before Four

I was very satisfied with the amount of stuff we did. We crammed in a lot but it didn't have that super busy rushed feeling which was good. It sucked that we didn't end up going canoeing because of the rain since Dario bought a canoe and all. Yes that's right. He bought a canoe. Thankfully we have an entire summer in which to do so.

I didn't take that many pictures because my camera is on the fritz and is frustrating to work with. I need to go drop it off to get fixed next week after this weekend events.

Fancy Drinks

The sun is finally out today after a crazy ass thunderstorm and lots of rain this past week.

I realized this morning that my flip flop collection sucks because they are all sooo old and falling apart. The majority of them were bought when I worked at Bootlegger and got 50% off. That is OLD. I will be heading out on a mission to buy new ones soon.

Through the drinks

Oh yea my boob! I got my stitches taken out and replaced with Butterfly stitches just to make sure the wound doesn't open. They eventually fall off as the wound heals. Its all pretty snazzy and I will be left with a scar I think.

Ok I need to go get some sushi before I pass out. BRB.


Ok back. Anyways, yes. So I haven't been able to go to the gym for the past two weeks because of my boob so last night was the first time I had gone since then. OMG it felt so good to work out again. Even though I haven't been working out for a long time I started to feel like a fat slob during those two weeks. Last night consisted of 3 half hour cardio sessions, a weight session, and an ab work out that turned me into a brick house. It was amazing. I CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK. I know, what have I become???

Apple Martini from above

So tonight we got ourselves a little surprise gathering but I can't say to much about it since it is a surprise after all. Hopefully I will get some good pictures this weekend.

2 1/2 more hours of work! YAY!

Patio Pictures are HERE.
Birthday Party Pictures which I never posted or wrote about are HERE.