Thank God we're normal

We got there at around 9 and it was about half full of old men and cougars; which we all excpeted. Then at around 11 or so these young chicks in little dresses came out of no where and it made all the guys happy. It was very odd. The age of the crowd began to shifted as more and more friends showed up. By the end of the night it was about half "old" and half "young". It made for a very entertaining crowd.
The one thing that stood out to me the most was the amount of fashion disasters I saw that night. Omg I could not handle it. It was like these women hadn't left the house in 20 years to go out and party which meant they had NO idea what was fashionable and what wasn't. And at the same time I know that some peoples priority in life is not to have the lastest fashion but there are just some pieces of clothing that should never be worn no matter who you are. For example, jeans that have criss cross leather ties up the front so that when you wear them you have an inch of skin showing all the way down your leg with a leather shoe lace criss crossing down your leg. I almost barfed.
Overall it was a pretty good night. Everyone had fun and Chad wasn't falling over drunk (bonus!) as apose to last year. And even though I was the DD I really enjoyed myself.
Chad owes me fries from Fritz tho.
The rest of the pictures are located - Here.
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