Friday, July 25, 2008

Cleanliness is next to Godliness


I beat everyone to work today. That makes me special. We all came in early to start on Inventory but now I've been assigned to other work so I get to sit here and work instead of running around in the warehouse. That makes me happy.

I just noticed that I have a hickey on my neck. I mean I had an accident with the vacuum cleaner.

If Chad and I don't see each other for a few days for whatever reason, when we finally do come together its not a party of joy or of 'Oh I missed you so much'. It's a party of anger. Every time. It's the strangest thing. Its like we secretly resent each other for being busy and not seeing each other so we blow up and get angry at everything for the first hour. Well, I do anyways. This was the case on Wednesday night. I think I might have explained this before.

One thing that drives me INSANE is when I don't see Chad for a couple of days and then I come over to the apartment and it is a complete disaster. I get so frustrated because then instead of spending time with him I have to spend the first few hours cleaning everything. Chad tries to tell me that everything is clean, its just Chad clean and not Rossi clean. There is a big difference between Chad clean and Rossi clean. My only solace is that when we are married I will clearly be around more and I can hopefully maintain some level of cleanliness instead of these periodic massive cleaning parties of one.

This time I decided to blow up over the fact that he only washed 2 out of the 4 towels in the bathroom even though I've told him a million times that if he is going to wash the towels he needs to wash them all. And yes yes I should be thankful that he actually does the laundry and all that but 1) I don't live there so hes not washing my stuff and 2) how hard is it to dump stuff in a machine, set it and walk away, then leave the pile of clean close on the floor for days until someone else (ME) comes to fold and put them all away. Exactly.

But this is fine. In a month I will take over all the responsibilities he does half fast and I will do them the 'right way'. I come from a long line of females who think that the right way and the only way of doing things are their way. This is why I will not do the laundry at home or cook anything in my mothers kitchen because no matter how I do it or how I clean up it will never be done the way she wants it. I don't do it her way or the 'right way' so I would rather not do it at all. I am however, now beginning to understand my mothers obsession with having things done the right way.

We've already had many discussion about roles in the family. Chad is lucky I am an Italian woman and I was brought up in a certain way that just so happens to match his ideals. Being a traditional Italian woman is like stepping back 100 years. Its not about sharing responsibilities its about dividing them. Ask my mother or my nonna what there opinions are about men who attempt to iron their own clothes or who come to work with a can of soup for lunch. They will tell you that its the wife's responsibility to prepare good meals for their husbands and to provide clean pressed clothes for their family. The men will cut the lawn and fix the cars but it is the women who will make the beds and care for the children. They aren't saying that husbands shouldn't help their wifes if the situation calls for it, but there is still a division of roles.

Therefor Chad will man the BBQ and take out the trash and I will clean the house and do all the laundry, and we won't fight over whos turn it is to wash the dishes because we will already know who is responsible for what. And this will make me happy. I like taking care of my husband and my home. It gives me a sense of pride to take care of my family as it gives Chad a sense of pride to go to work every day and provide for his family. We may be living in the 50s but it works for us.

Now if I could only get him to wash all four of the towels.