Monday, July 28, 2008

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing

Another weekend of none stop gatherings has come and gone. These weekends leave me feeling a million years old with how tired I am at the end of it all. As much as I love all this visiting and excitement its wears me down and makes me cranky. I lack stamina and my body physically can not handle it.


Maybe I am just overly moody this weekend.


I have this overwhelming amount of negativity towards work for some reason. We've finally slowed down giving me a little bit more flexibility in my day to day routine but I just feel so un inspired and motivated. I don't know what it is. The only thing I can sum it up to is that I actually haven't had a vacation in over a year other then stat holidays, and with all the stress that just past I am itching to get the hell out of here. Thankfully I have three days off next week when we go up to Manning Park but I am REALLY looking forward to taking off for a week and relaxing in Mexico. I think I am going stir crazy in here.

View from above

Aside from visiting and such, this weekend was productive. I had the girls come over and we got a bunch of stuff done for the wedding and then Chad and I went to the bank to figure out our accounts and such. I now have access to Chads millions. Yea right.

So Cute

Quick Wedding To-Do Summary

  1. Wedding Dress - Done!
  2. Shawl or Jacket - Not started.
  3. Veil - Half way done.
  4. Bridesmaids Dresses - Done!
  5. Bridesmaids Wraps - Done!
  6. Bridesmaids Jewelry - Done!
  7. Bridesmaids Hair Accessories - Just need to find something for my MOH.
  8. Ceremony Programs - Done!
  9. Reception Programs - Not started.
  10. Wine Labels - Not started.
  11. Wedding Favours - Done!
  12. Table Cloths - Fabric bought, need to sew.
  13. Photo for Sign In Table - Need to be printed and purchase frame.
  14. Seating Plan - Just needs to be confirmed closer to the day.


Hopefully tonight we can go to Ikea and find a simple Display Cabinet that I can stick a lot of the new dishes and stuff in. Then we can get rid of Chads 70s liquor cabinet and actually use the space. I will, however, miss the tackiness that is that cabinet.

I just won a bet with Chad over the name of this post. Burn.

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