Your boyfriend called to hear your voice
Welcome to Monday morning.
I have given up on caring at this exact moment. Work wise that is. I am just too exhausted and lazy and tired of telling everyone I am exhausted. I need a vac cay and even though it is two weeks away that is just not quick enough for me. I still plan on doing the things I need to do everyday but I will no longer hustle my ass. I will be a moderate employee this week.
I had my first bridal shower yesterday but my mom has the pictures for that and hasn't given them to me yet so I won't blog about it.
Saturday I finished my dress. Yes that is right it is alll done! Aside from some things I *might* change if there is time near the end (because I am picky). It was quite the experience in making this dress, especially because I haven't really made anything to this caliber before, aside from my grad dress. The lace was the tricky part because its see through and there are difference ways in which you can sew the seams and I really didn't know what I was doing so, yea. I don't know what to think about that yet. But I do love it and it did turn out the way I wanted so I am pretty pleased. I am also thankful I don't have to look at it again until the wedding. It was getting very frustrating.
As you can see we got our engagement photos back. I am more then happy with them! I love them! I am so glad that we chose to spend a little bit more money then anticipated on our photographer. I think for us that was one of the most important things. We wanted someone who's photos stood out. Yes the poses aren't 100% natural but they are beautiful. I love the colours and the settings. If you will remember it was a very stressful thing trying to find the right photographer but I am more then thrilled with who we chose.
Scott was great to work with and I can't say enough good things about his pictures. I am super excited for the wedding now and all the pictures that will come from it. We are bloggers, we are narcissists, so it only figures that we would choose someone who fits our style.
Less then 50 days bitches!
Scotts website - Here.
All our engagement photos - Here.
Our slide show - Here.
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