Thursday, August 21, 2008

You're not funny. You just don't get out much.

The sun has come out finally, after all the storms and rain and November weather. However, it only makes me bitter for it not having come out two days earlier. We were forced to watch Radiohead outdoors in the pouring rain. A small price to pay to see one of the greatest bands ever live but once the concert was over it was miserable.

We made a last minute decision to drive down there instead of taking the bus because after traveling many times to UBC's Thunderbird Stadium via the Bus to see concerts I understand how it all goes down. Long line ups standing out in the open. This would all have been fine if the weather was decent but in knowing about the impending rain I thought it would be a smarter choice to drive. This was smart, until we hit major traffic jams and stupid people not knowing how to turn into a parkade which almost made us late.

The Stage

Thankfully tho, we found a spot and hussled our asses to the stadium to arrive just as Radiohead was getting on stage. Perfect timing! This was also at the point where it decided to start raining. I was the only one out of the four of us wearing a waterprouf jacket.

Chad found a home under this umbrella. Poor Breyers girl stood out there with only a T-shirt on for hours in the pooring rain. Only 6 people bought ice creams.


The light show and video screens were amazing!


The show was so awesome and really, of all the people to see in the pouring rain, Radiohead fits quite nicely with that. I was super excited when they closed the show with my two favorite songs, 2+2=5 and Paranoid Android.

The Pouring Rain

The pouring pouring rain.

Listening in Blue
Wet Rats

Wet Rats!

The one thing Chad kept saying all night was 'I'm too old for this'. Aww poor old Chad! Dispite the miserable rain, he did have a good time. It was nice having him accompany me to a concert.

The Crowd 2

We didn't realize how many people were actually at the concert until we went to leave and there were crowds and crowds of people everywhere, it was insane.

We found the parkade pretty easily once we left the site but it was so rainy and windy and cold that we all walked with our heads down not talking. I think we were all so wet and cold and exhusted. Once we got to the car we tore off our wet jeckets and settled in for the ride home. Unfortunetly we had to sit in the parkade for 45 minutes while everyone else on the four floors below us exited first. However, it was well worth it as my brother took the bus home and was a million times more wet then us and arrived an hour later then us. Driving turned out to be a very good choice.

A big THANK YOU goes to Adam and Alicia for getting us these tickets. It will truly be a night we never forget! I heart Radiohead.

Unlinked photos by Alicia.
Radiohead photos here.