Thursday, September 25, 2008

I <3 pretty homes

Last night I got to spend the evening by myself cleaning and organizing and doin' my thing. It was actually quite nice. For some reason I can always clean and organize better when Chads out of the house, so I always take the opportunity when he leaves to go like mad.

My Favorites

Omg I can not tell you how good it felt to get boxes off the floor and things put away. I made a huge pile of clothes and things to give away because I figure that I don't have a lot of room and there is no point in keeping things that I really don't need because they will take up space for nothing. I've got all my clothes, shoes, and jewelry figured out with room to spare. That makes me beyond happy.


My Nonna gave us a huge tupperware tub to use as storage so I packed it full of wedding gifts that I don't have room for right now. Things like vases and candle stick holders and silver platters. Things I like and wish to keep, but right now I know they won't be used on a regular basis and I just have no room to store them. Once I clean out the basement at my parents house I will be able to store and easily access this tub so I can grab stuff I need in advance. It should work out nicely.

Pussy attacks Russ

There is still a small pile of gifts that I need to put away. Our big corningware set which I think I've figures out a spot for them and our huge Kitchenaid mixer that I have no idea where to put. That will be Saturdays challenge. Along with figuring out how much Denby we got and what needs to be returned or exchanged. I think we ended up getting way more then we needed.

Pussy's Hiding

I love cleaning and organizing. It makes my brain feel clutter free and makes me breath easier when I don't see piles and piles of crap everywhere.


The only sad part of last night was that I basically watched the Woman's Network for 4 hours. I guess it makes sense because I am a women but I still have to laugh at myself. I love having the TV on while I clean. It makes me feel like I have company that won't get in the way.


Tonight is a trip to Costco and then I'm taking the night off because of all the work I did last night. I'll finish everything else up on Saturday. I am so looking forward to it. I am the lamest person ever! Ahh the life of a house wife.

Chad & Zoe

We need to have a Cambie night soon. But by soon I mean anytime after two weeks. I'm still on my hibernation from society phase but I can feel the itch to go out and party slowly coming on. Plus PatZ never really had an 'official' welcom back party.

Freedom makes me want to Party.