I had to get up at 630 this morning in order to meet Alicia and Claudia downtown at 8. We attended a WGSN Trend Report to learn all about Spring 09 & Fall 09 colours and trends. I use to go to these things every year because they were provided by the school. Thankfully our company paid for all of us to attend this year.
Its always at the 'Fashion Events' where I totally feel out of the picture. My clothes are so practical and half of the stuff I wear, I wear to keep warm because I'm always cold. And maybe its a ridiculous statement to make when I say I need to start buying some unpractical pieces but that's the way I feel. I'm so full of basics. I dunno. In the 'real world' I am ok with my style and my look but at these events I feel out of place. Not entirely, but theres definitely room for improvement.
But then again does it really make sense to change who I am and what I am comfortable with just to 'fit in' with a group of people I don't really associate with and only see a few times a year? Do I really need to match that hard core fashion crowd when I myself am not a hard core fashion subscriber? These thoughts always run through my head when I'm at these events. I am constantly re thinking my wardrobe. Thankfully I have the flexibility and allowance to do so.
I am such a nut bar.
On a totally un fashion related topic I am srsly coming down with something. My throat feels deathly and its causing the rest of my body to feel deathly. Am SO tempted to go home early today. I need drugs and a bed. I am getting worse people.
And I have no idea where Chad is.
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