Thanks for the black eye
Ugh I feel like blogging again. Plus this little hottie punched me so it gives me something to blog.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
Oh gawd now I need to do math...10 years ago...2008...1998...
1. Starting my first year of High school. Gawd I'm so young.
2. Attempting to adjust in a huge public school where I didn't know anyone after spending years tucked away in a private school where I knew everyone.
3. Babysitting on weekend.
4. Trying to convince my Mother that flared jeans were an essential part of High school fashion and not just the latest trend that would fade away next year.
5. Obsessing over the WWF and Shawn Michaels return.
5 things on my to do list today:
1. Make Tacos for dinner.
2. Smother my cold sore in Abreva.
3. Bring my Aunts computer to her house.
4. Upload friends pictures of our wedding to Flickr.
5. Finish ordering notions for the second group of Spring 09.
5 snacks I love:
1. Toasted Rye Bread and Cheddar Cheese. So random.
2. Chips and Salsa.
3. Bread sticks.
4. Leftovers.
5. Crackers and Sour Cream. Another random.
5 things I would do if I was a millionaire :
1. Buy a house in the British Properties, or somewhere in North Van with an amazing view and lots of property.
2. Buy a VW Beatle because I would look cuter in it then in a Ferrari.
3. Go shopping. Obvs.
4. Buy a Beagle because I will have a house and enough space for him to run around.
5. Tour Italy top to bottom.
5 places I’ve lived:
1. Burnaby
2. Burnaby
3. Burnaby.
4. North Burnaby.
5. Central Burnaby.
I've only ever lived in two house. Both in Burnaby.
5 jobs I’ve had:
1. Babysitter. I some how only babysat for rich families. I got $10 an hour and sometimes more!
2. Filing & Office work at my Dentist office. Worst job of my life.
3. Office Assistant extraordinaire for many companies all owned by one amazing woman.
4. Bootlegger Sales Associate. I so kicked ass at that job.
5. Design & Production Assistant for a local fashion company.
5 people I punch:
1. Krista
2. Marlee
3. Melissa
4. Phaedra
5. Naomi
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