Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I just discovered a scar on my ring finger

I spent the majority of today ripping out broken zippers from a bunch of dresses. While it was mostly relaxing and made the time go buy quickly, by the end of it I was so bored with ripping zippers I wanted to scream. There were probably a million more important things I could have done today, alas I had to de-zipper dresses. But anyways.

Money Eyes
I had a horrible sleep last night. My stomach was upset and I couldn't find a comfortable position. I got up to go to the bathroom at around 2:30 and when I got back to bed Chad had cuddled up to my side of the bed leaving me with 6 inches to sleep on. Every time I get up in the middle of the night and come back to bed he somehow realizes I'm not there and then takes over my side. If he wasn't so cute I'd poke him repeatedly.

My Dates

When I fell back alseep I had a dream that I was Monica from friends (becuase in reality I am) and I was dating Pierce Brosnan but he was in his late 70s. He was still super hot but really really old and wrinkly. I kept calling him Bond. He had a 7 year old daughter who would follow us. We made out but it was kinda creepy because of how old he was. A little odd.

Oilers Fan

I have no idea why I had a dream about him or what it meant. The last thing I watched before going to bed was Band of Brothers and Seinfeld so I have no idea were Pierce Brosnan fits in.
He is pretty hot but I'm a little creeped out.