Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I've got leftovers agian.


I've felt off all this week. It must be a combination of not getting enough sleep on the weekend and feeling sick-ish. I'm not sick enough to warrent staying home from work but I am sick enough that my head gets all fuzzy and I can't concentrate. Yesterday was almost a complete write off. I could barely function in the morning and got very little done. Today, however, I do feel better but still off. I dunno whats up with that. Maybe one of my 20 Doctors appointments next week can figure it out.

The evenings this week have turned out to be insane. Every night this week we have to quickly eat dinner and then rush off somewhere else. Chad is trying to get my Nonnas computer fixed but its beginning to be a huge thorn in my side. He perferrs that I accompany him when he goes there to fix it as sometimes my Nonna has trouble with her English and I help translate. I totally understand why he likes me there it just means that all my plans this week have been postponed because I have to go to my Nonnas every night to try and fix the computer. I'm just getting a bit frustrated with all of it.

Whenever I fax off a PO to one of our Vendors I always sign the bottom D Ciavarro. I never write my full name cause its way to damn long. Anyways, everyone who I deal with knows my name is Danielle. A bunch of them got confused when I started signing Ciavarro instead of Rossi and wouldn't send me my packages until I explained that I was the same person I just changed my last name. Yesterday I recieved a package to the attention of Davarro. Yes, because thats exactly what my name is. I'm assuming someone who doesn't know me sent me the package and attempted to make out my signature.

I made Pesto sauce from scratch last night. The best damn pesto sauce ever. But maybe thats because there was 300 lbs of garlic and cheese in it. You put garlic and cheese on anything and I will eat it. Chad even complimented me on how much better it turned out then the last time I made it. Go Me!

B tagged me so here are the 6 things that make me happy...

  1. Waking up to the sun.
  2. A glass of red wine and a plate of pasta.
  3. Stuffed Animals
  4. Puppies
  5. Snuggling with Mr. C.

I tag...

  1. Alicia
  2. Marlee
  3. Melissa
  4. Krista
  5. Adelaide

I now get to sit here next to the print that is printing out 500 gift certificates and choke on used toner fumes. God help us all.