Thursday, November 20, 2008

Let me show you my neck


I wore my hair down today.

My usual routine is to have a shower in the evening and then either let my hair dry naturally, or if I'm proactive and not lazy I blow dry it a bit. As a result most Mornings my hair is half wavy and all over the place. This means I either wear it pinned back or in a pony tail. Today, however, it only looks better down.

Oilers Fan?

It was pointed out to me a few weeks ago that I have a rather large lump on my throat. I honestly never realized it before so I didn't know if it was suppose to be there or not. I was convinced that it was just part of my throat or something until one morning I took a closer look. While it didn't hurt or bother me at all it did not look totally normal. We'll, it wasn't like I had this huge goiter sticking out of the side of my neck, but more like a really big Adams apple. It moves every time I swallow.

Realizing it probably shouldn't be there I pointed it out to Chads mom who is a nurse. She said it looked like I had an enlarged Thyroid Gland, which wasn't a serious thing, especially since I wasn't feeling sick or any of the symptoms associated with Thyroid issues, but she did stress I see a doctor about it.


I was feeling very nonchalant about the whole thing and really didn't want to have to miss more time from work to go to the doctors again since I had already been twice last month and had an appointment coming up on the first of December.

After both mothers continuously asked me if I had gotten it looked at yet I finally phoned the Doctor to see if I could make an appointment. The soonest they could get me in was Dec 22nd, which was a waste of time since I was already going Dec 1st and figured I would point it out then.


Yesterday my Mom accompanied my Nonna to the doctors office and after chit chatting a bit the subject came up that I had tried to make an appointment to get this lump checked out but there were no times available. He inquired what the lump looked like and when my Mom told him it was an enlarged Thyroid he immediately paged his Secretary and had her create an appointment for me today at 5.

I don't know if this speedy reaction is just him accommodating one of his patients or if he thinks there is something seriously wrong. I do come from a long line of lumpy people. The Rossi's and cysts go hand and hand. I have a handful on my body to prove it. Hopefully everything turns out alright, especially since I was so nonchalant about the whole thing.

Being Happy?

I think Chads going to ask for a rein check on this whole marriage thing. Me and my 1200 medical issues. And I always thought he was the broken one in the family what with his wonky knees and alien toes. Apparently not.