Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The boss just called and said we can leave early tonight. She also said I don't have to come in on Friday if I don't want to. Thank God! I would have been the only one here and that just would not have been fun.

I usually dread New Years Eve because I always get dragged to some big party I don't want to be at and there ends up being a million people I don't know and then the people I do know disappear. The last few New Years Eve parties have left a sour taste in my mouth.

New Years Eve as a kid was always fun. Darios family and our family always got together. We switched houses each year and we would bring over all these board games. Our moms made food for us and we would eat and drink (non-alcoholic beverages of course!) and play games until it was 11:59. Then we would rush and grab every pot and pan that we could find and go out side and run around banging them to ring in the New Year!

I have very fond memories of those times and often wish I could go back and spend New Years like that again. Staying up until 5 in the morning getting drunk and passing out on someones floor is not my idea of a good time.

Tonight we will somewhat we reenacting my childhood memories. With our plans being left to the last minute and a few ideas falling through a handful of us are heading over to Darios empty compound for some appys, drinks, Guitar Hero and more. I am so excited! It's a 5 minute drive from home. Everyone who will be there are good friends and I'm sure we will have an over abundance of food to eat!

It just makes sense to ring in the New Year with a group of friends I love in a relaxed and cozy environment.

2008 was a pretty sweet year with the majority of it being enveloped by the wedding and everything surrounding it. I am looking forward to 2009 being much quieter. Hopefully Chad and I can go on some weekend get-aways. My Mom and Dad got us a gift certificate for a weekend away of our choice which we are really excited about! I can't wait for trips! 2009 will be the calm before the 2010 storm and 5 million things we have planned.

So the next time you hear from me things will be a little different around here so have a safe and happy new years! I shall see you soon!