Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Am so looking forward to baked potatos tonight. Drool.

Pictures to make me smile since today didn't.

Hair Hand
I think I should probably get it cut. I just can't bring myself to do it. I've gotten this far. I should just let it get to 'Homeless Hippie Disaster' length.

Tying the Knot
We metaphorically tied the knot.

Chad & the Mountains
So big and tough infront of them there mountains.

Me & the Mountains
I look like an elf. Or just some ill positioned nut case.

Phyl in the Bedroom
We have to move Phyl into the bedroom since the Christmas Tree took over his spot. Now every time I lay in bed I feel like I'm living in the jungle. He's very invasive.

Quatchi matches our decor quite nicely. I made all the pillows. 'Cept for the brown ones at the back, they came with the set.

Cute Post it
Everytime I look at this I think 'Aww Chads so cute'. Then I remember that the note's not about him but about my FACTORY boyfriend. So many boys. So little time. So confusing.

Thanks Costco!
Thank you Costco for making boxes of Tea Bags. They last me forever. This box is also the only thing in the office the mouse DIDN'T eat. Yea. I still haven't told you that story.
Colour Contrast
A face only a mother could love.
This post feels very un inspired. Maybe that is because I am very un inspired today. Today has been a crappy day.
I have a lot of new pictures I wish to post but I think that they only make sense if each set has its on post.
I hope to eff around with this blog tonight. That is if Mr. C with grace me with his assistance. I've been contimplating Wordpress for over a year now and I think the only way to get my blog to look and function the way I want it to I will need to use Wordpress. I just have such an emotional connection with Blogger that I feel guilty leaving. Anyways, hopefully we can test it out tonight.