Thursday, December 11, 2008

I wish I was wearing my pj's right now

Old School

This morning is beautiful. Its crisp and cold outside but the sun is out and is bouncing off all the frost. It makes me excited for Christmas. Even though the two aren't related.

We have nothing planned for Friday night and Saturday day so I am going to take every opportunity to sleep and cuddle and watch Christmas movies and just eat it all up. Its been a long time since I've had nothing to do on a Saturday, but with all the home reno's basically done, and all the Thank You cards out I am FINALLY left with Saturdays filled with what I want to do. I'm really excited about it.

I've been thinking a lot about what the future holds these day. We pretty much have the next two years of our lives planned out. Not written in stone but there are definitely somethings that have already started to be planned. Savings account set up for certain events. Information collecting for other events. And doors open for one very special project, something I've never mentioned to anyone before.

Since 2005 this blog has followed me through all of my life's events. Relationships, School, my first 'Real' job, family events, parties, weddings and much more. When I started this blog I knew it would be the about the one real thing I could talk about; myself. As self centred as that is I always found it interesting to keep track of all the things that happened to me. My blog really is like my diary. I am writing a documentary about myself.

The blogs that I love to read the most are the blogs like mine; stories about peoples lives. I've always been fascinated with biographies. I love learning about peoples lives and the things that happen to them, even if all they have to say on Monday morning is that they had Toast for breakfast and there dog kept them up all night. I find it all so fascinating. I love peoples history, and the paths they've taken in their lives. I love reading about their feelings and what makes them tick. It is one of my favorite things to read about. Wikipedia has become my new best friend.

So because of this, my blog will always be about my life. It will always be about what I am dealing with at that moment. It will follow me through vacations, and job changes. It will follow me through having kids and moving houses. When we go to Italy for a month, I hope to write every day about where we visited and what we saw. When we change houses, I hope to write about my feelings leaving the first place we ever shared together. When we have kids, I hope to write about my experience and excitement.

My goal is that in 20 years I can come back here and read my old stories. I can reminisce about old adventures. I can remember what it was like when I first met Chad. I can laugh at pictures of parties about Balls. I can smile at all the friends this blog has helped me gain.

I hope that as random as this blog can be it is still enjoyable to read. Even if there is no one out there to follow me and my stories anymore I hope to still write them. Because what has started out as something for you, has become something for me.