Monday, December 01, 2008

I'm not lovin you, the way I wanted to

Christmas Cards

Hello Monday Morning.

It's "nice" to see you again. I think the only saving grace in today is getting to leave at 2:30 for a doctors appointment.

This whole "not feeling well" has lingered onto this week as well. Again, its like I'm sick but not sick enough to warrant staying home and getting better, its more of a long drawn out half assed sickness. So weird.

This weekend I was pretty much lazy. Saturday I just did not feel well at all and only did half of what I wanted to do because I could not bring myself to get off the couch. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest and I kept coughing. It was making me exhausted.

I did 3 loads of laundry and then forgot about the last load of sheets and towels. I'm such a knob. I will need to finish that tonight midst packing for Chad and cleaning and making dinner and finishing the last of the Thank You cards. Sweet Jesus.

I got my eyebrows done yesterday and while they have always been a bit weird yesterday turn out a little wonky. My right eyebrow is perfect but now my left one is shorter then the right one as in it ends before my right one does and it is driving me crazy! Usually there are a few hairs at the end which look a bit odd but extend my eyebrow to the appropriate length but she ripped them out so now I've got a stubby brow. Its making me mental.

Yesterday afternoon Alicia and I went to the last Portobello West of the season. They had some very cute stuff for sale and I spent the majority of my time oddeling over all the little felt creations and funny magnets. I swear to you I am 12 years old at heart. I was this close to spending all my money on the cutest arglye felt monster but then remembered that I have enough stuffed animals and if I buy any more people will begin to wonder about me when they come over and find shelves and shelves of plush toys. Ha.

We had our Christmas Party last night. It's held at my bosses house and everyone from the design department, warehouse, drafting department and stores comes over for a big party. They've got a huge house so it works well. They make all the food themselves and it is to die for. Alicia, Claudia, and I got there fairly early and we stuffed ourselves silly. I've never eaten so much food in my entire life. It was so good. I wish I could go back in time and eat more.

We left basically after dessert as Alicia wasn't feeling well and I was driving her home. I got home at about 10:30 and went right to bed but all the food that I had just consumed was making me delirious and I could not sleep. It was the weirdest thing. Not to mention I had that damn Kanye West song stuck in my head. (Chad downloaded his newest CD and now we are obsessed with it.) It did not make for a restful sleep at all. Damn you Love Lockdown.

Alicias got pictures from yesterday if you want to check'em out. They are at the bottom of the post. I didn't take any. Woops.

3 more hours of work people!