Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ready? Rant.

  1. The City of Burnaby / Garbage Men

Alright so our garbage gets picked up at the beginning of the week. I can't remember exactly which day but for argument sake lets say Monday. So the garbage men come in their big truck to pick up all of our garbage on Monday and then all of our recycling on Thursday. Since last week was Christmas the garbage schedule got shifted and we went from having our garbage picked up on Monday to it being picked up on Friday. But wait!

Both Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday we had huge snow storms which piled our streets and ally ways with dumps of snow, which meant that there was NO way any sort of city vehicle would be able to get around our apartment building. This meant that our already 2 week late garbage pick up did not happen. Ok, not the biggest deal in the world, I was still able to dispose of the things I needed to dispose of. But wait!

Christmas usually produces a large amount of garbage with paper and packaging from toys and gifts getting chucked in the garbage. Not to mention the waste from food. Now because we were not home very much during those few days I was not able to really clean up all the garbage and papers until Sunday. When I went to take my two bags of trash to the shoot for disposal what do I see? A large sign informing me that the garbage bin was over flowing with garbage and that all shoots had been locked shut preventing anyone from getting rid of their garbage until the bin was to be emptied. And when might you ask, will this bin be emptied. Oh, well, not until the following FRIDAY!

So this means that our garbage will not have been picked up for 3 weeks, and all the garbage and boxes and papers that I need to throw out and recycle basically gets to accumulate in my hall closet until the garbage men decided to come get the damn trash.

I understand not being able to pick up garbage because of snow build up in ally ways, but now are ally is basically clear. They could come at ANY time! But no, we have to wait until Friday and I get to fume and explode every time I see this large pile of crap growing in my closet because I have to hoard my own garbage.

The frustration this causes me is ridiculous.

Someone give me the number to Tony Soprano's Waste Management Company. I need to take matters into my own hands.


Anyways, I was going to rant about 3 other things and then just realized the cause of frustration in all of them leads to one main factor. SNOW.

I need a shovel and a blow torch.