Monday, December 31, 2007

i wanna make out wit chu

holy hell in a hand basket

well today is another wonderful day at work where there is not much of anything to do but thankfully alicia is here so we have been telling stories from the past week where we have missed each other...aww...

we were chatting about how hectic our christmas' were...this was mine..

Dec 24
- Tubing on Cypress
- Visit with Grandma Ciavarro
- Dinner at my house
- Open gifts at Chads house
- Midnight mass
- Open gifts at my house
- In bed at 2:30am

Dec 25
- Pick up at 8:30 to go to White Rock
- Christmas Breakfast in White Rock
- Opening of gifts
- Hang out
- Nap at 1:00
- Hang out
- Christmas dinner at 6:00 at Grandma Heagles
- In bed at 10:30pm

Dec 26
- Chad over at 10:00am
- Drive to check out hall for wedding
- Boxing Day shopping
- Lunch at my house
- Hang out
- Boxing Day dinner with the Rossis
- Back to Chads for some Sopranos
- In bed at 11:30pm

Dec 27
- Die of Christmas overload...

my mom got tickle-me-elmo...she is OBSESSED...

Christmas morning at Chads parents house...i have never seen so many gifts in my life...but i guess it makes sense since there were like 5 families there...but still...SO MANY...

so handsome in his new Christmas sweater...

Christmas dinner...his cousin found an earwig in her stuffing...slightly gross...

molly the puggle


we blamed the earwig on the surrounding construction

Chad got me a giant Quatchi because i am 5 and succumb to marketing ploys...but really...anything that is soft and fuzzy i automatically fall in love with...i was SO excited to get him for Christmas!

now its new years eve and we will be driving out to White Rock for some drinks and fun and most likely wont get home till 5 or 6 but i will still fall asleep on the couch at 2...thats what i am predicting...

2007 is ova...and now its going to be 2008...the year of the wedding...and all that surrounds it...IM EXCITED...

no looking was an amazing year and all i want to do now is look forward!!!


Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas is always full of surprises...

Christmas is ova

and now its time to recoup

we spent Christmas Eve up on Cypress Mountain which was pretty much the coolest Christmas Eve event ever...

went tubing with steve and ashleigh and it was jam packed with little kids everywhere...

they had this pulley thing that you hook your tube onto and it pulls you up the mountain...they also had a path to walk up the mountain...but being the lazy wops that we are we chose not to do that...

it was cloudy and then sunny and then cloudy and then sunny...

chad coming down the mountain...he would use his hands to steer his tube but it just made him look like the biggest dork ever...

it was all very cold and snowy but it hadn't snowed in a few days so everything was a sheet of ice...

this is where he threw snowballs at my head constantly...

rosy cheeks...

we got two hours of tubing for 15 bucks...but because it was so busy we only got to go down about 6 or 7 times...which was a little crappy but they told us to come back later in the season and we could get way more runs in...

kids and their tubes...

chad pretended the tubes were dogs since they had a chads dog is trying to do my dog...

bad dogs!

he didn't have snow he wore my brothers snow pants and opted for runners instead of boots...the man is insane...

here we are at the look out halfway down the looks like bloody summer...

my camera was dying so we were trying to sneak in a few more shots...

but clearly chad didn't know what to do with his face...

after the mountain we popped over to visit with chads nonna (italian grandma) since we weren't going to see her over Christmas...after chatting for a bit we discovered that chads grandparents were good friends with my uncle who is a priest...grandpa ciavarro died some time ago and when chads grandma remarried my uncle preformed the ceremony...meaning chad actually met my uncle twenty years ago without even knowing it!!!

it turns out that chads step-grandpa was an amazing singer back in his day and sang in my uncles itlaian chior...the same chior that half my family use to sing was mind blowing sitting there listening to him talk about my uncles and anuts and the time he went over to my grandparent farm and visited with my grandfather and everything...we sat there in shock...

our two families connected some twenty years ago and we had no idea!

when we got back home we told my parents the news who were totally dad realizing who chad step-grandpa was phoned my uncle with excitement over the news...back in the late 70s / ealry 80s the italian chior put out an album and on the back cover was a picture of them...and there was chads step-grandpa looking exactly the same!

i dont know how we never made this connection before but when we did it was amazing!


the fate that began when chad was adopted by this family...this family who would then become connected through my uncle to my family...the connection would not be known for years...until someone started a blog...and someone read a blog...and somewhere they meet...and they hang out...and they fall in love...and they plan to get married...and they find out twenty years ago...a connection had already been made...

my uncle married chads grandparents...and now he will marry us...


Thursday, December 27, 2007

geography terms

after a million days straight together
i have been abandoned all day today
and i am now so bored
i am going out of my mind

i will do a better post tomorrow
when i am the only one at work
and will more then likely waste the majority of the day

ive found some really cool wedding stuff
and i have no one to tell

le sigh

Monday, December 24, 2007

Buon Natale Tutti

Thursday, December 20, 2007

you and your boney knuckles and floppy ring

and the rediculous-ness has already started...

because i was sick last week and parts of this week i am so behind at work, especially since tomorrow is our last day and then we are off for a all our suppliers close for 2 weeks which basically screws us over...well...screws me over...

we still havent sent out our chirstmas cards due to my illness and then the engagement and we are planning to hopefully do them tonight...

thankfully we finished all our christmas shopping last the only thing i have to worry about is getting something for my mother and finishing up chads stocking...i am buying NOTHING in january...

and i just found out that all the stuff from work i had on hold that i was going to buy with the gift certificates im pretty sure im getting for christmas i can no longer keep on hold and i must buy them all only...dammit!

i got my ring back last night after being resized...when i wear it chad acts like a cat trying to bat at the new shiny thing thats infront of his face...he pays more attention to it then to me...

he says its because the ring is like a fancy new paint job on an old rusted out beater...

are you serious???

did you just say that???

yes this is how he treats the woman hes going to marry...


anyways i have to get back to work...

the wedding is tentativly booked and all will be confirmed this weekend...looks like it will be the beginning of september....

we move fast...

Monday, December 17, 2007

im actually going to become mrs. ciavarro

ahh and finally i have a chance to post!

i was sick all last week...and basically even worse this weekend...this is the first time in a week i have had a minute to myself and haven't felt completely gross...

i dont even know where to begin with what has happened...its been a roller coaster of fun that i havent had much of a chance to enjoy due to my sicky face...

thursday night was definitely one for the record books...

of course the first thing we did was put it on facebook because we knew there was no way we could let everyone know without spending every minute on the phone for the rest of the night...

needless to say, once the news was phoned wouldnt stop ringing with people wanting to wish chad and i congratulations...

the computer nerds that we are even took out a moment to blog the event and then spent the next hour checking all the comments on facebook...

i should have clued in that night that something was up when i came over and chad was wearing appose to his pjs

in all its glory!

however its 2 and a half sizes too mother obviously doesnt know my ring its off to the shop getting resized and hopefully i will have it back for saturday...

chad wrapped the ring in tinfoil and then stuck it in this present like so and hung it on the christmas tree for me to was super cute!

my nose is squished and i look like poo because i clearly had no idea what was going on that night and so i had a shower and put on my sweats and headed over expecting to pass out on the couch...not expecting that there was going to be a proposal going on...

i phoned my parents right away and they were very excited...

chad asked my dad for my hand in marriage (so cute!) about a month ago so they have been waiting eagerly for the past month waiting to hear when the actually event was to go down...

leave it to chad to make parents adore him...

the tinfoil beauty...

on friday night our parents met for the first time...this meeting had been planned long before the engagement happened so the timing was perfect...chads parents had no idea and were quite surprised when they showed up and we told them...but everyone was happy and excited for us!

the weekend was filled with parties and phone calls and best wishes and all of it left me exhausted and over whelmed passed out on the couch all of sunday with no voice, no energy, and a pile of Kleenex on the floor...

so now chad is in calgary working and i am home sick from work...hopefully resting today will make me better for the rest of the week...

hopefully this blog wont become completely obsessed with wedding stuff now...and hopefully we will finalize a date this week...

and so the fun begins!