Saturday, March 29, 2008

Danielle Rossi is ARE YOU KIDDING ME.


Abandoned on a Saturday night because the big boss man is having a boys night out at the Cambie. A well deserved one at that since he hasn't gone out in ages. He always sends me a little love txt when he gets home no matter what time it is. IT'S SO CUTE. You might want to puke right now.

I just spent the last three hours watching every home improvement / renovation show I could find on TV and am now bored to tears. I think this shitty Vancouver weather is finally getting to me and I am going stir crazy constantly being indoors with nothing to do. I want to die.

I sewed a sample of my wedding dress today. It was pretty simple to do so I just need to get it fitted right and then I can go ahead and make the real thing. That should be interesting and stressful. I am currently freaking out about making the real thing right now because of DRAFTING ISSUES. Yes, I have to fix the pattern and my mind wont stop thinking about it. But anyways.

I am so bored that this post is emulating that. UGH.

Last night we watched parts of the Led Zeppelin DVD I bought Chad, but I was so bored (constant theme here) and annoyed that it was another Friday night of boringness that I sat there and called Jimmy Paige ugly the whole time. Chad was hysterical over it so that was positive. I was going mental.

The parentals are watching a movie downstairs and its so loud I want to scream. Yes I am in a very negative space right now. A stir crazy space right now. I need to get outdoors. I need to do something. Relaxing Saturday nights at home are only good when you've spent a million weekends out and about and you really NEED a relaxing night at home.

Also, I didn't wear my ring at all today cause I was all house cleaning and sewing and I didn't want it to get caught on fabric and such, and the whole day I would go to adjust it with my thumb like I normally do a million times a day and it wasn't there and it would send me into a panic every single time until I realized what was going on. Sometimes I will do that in the middle of the night to. Wake up and freak out cause my ring's not there and realize its 3 AM and I don't wear my ring to bed.

Yes yes. I have mental issues and Chad farts a lot. Match made in heaven! At least we have lots to laugh about.

It's 10:00 and I am totally just going to go to bed right now. The end.


Crap. Now its friggin' snowing. I swear.

Friday, March 28, 2008

March Weather Madness

It's less then a week away from being April and its freezing like a mother outside. There just also happens to be a blizzard outside my window right now. Oh Yes! A Blizzard!

We have had the most ridiculous weather this week. I just don't understand it.

Wednesday we had a thunder & lightning storm after a beautiful sunny morning.

Yesterday I came home to a hail storm that produced an inch of icy white stuff over everything. The dog was so scared buy crap from the sky hitting him he came running in so freaked out.

And now this morning, a snow storm. Umm, yes aren't we in SPRING right now?

I told Chad last night that we are entering an Ice Age.

I said he would be the mammoth cause he's all big and hairy.

I would clearly be the little fluffy guy with the buck teeth that's all about the nuts.

He's so cute! He loves nuts! I'm so cute! I love nuts! Plus we got the teeth thing going on.

I should be wearing a skirt right now but instead I'm bundled in a parka. I wore the wrong shoes today too, but how was I suppose to know it was going to snow!? Damn weather.

Chad got yet another day off today and so he is all tucked away warm and cozy in his bed. Lazy bum. I am very jealous of him right now.

Have you noticed that he posts a lot about farting now? Whats that about? Humm maybe its because he does fart all the time and he tries to think that I don't smell it and that he can get away with it but I always know. I need to ban him from every room in the house except the bathroom. Thank God for fans.

Deezz Nuts.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yes Officer, I would like to report a stabbing.

Easter Weekend. A time where you try and balance a billion days worth of church and some sort of relaxation with a tendency to want to be productive.

In my quest to make my transition from singleton to wife as easy as possible I spent a portion of this weekend going through another batch of my things separating them into categories of Keep, Save for memory purposes, and Chuck.

The "Keep" pile includes things I still use and will bring over into my new home. The "Save for memory purposes" pile includes stuff from my childhood that I would like to keep for sentimental purposes and seeing that my Mother hates when I throw anything out from when I was a kid she will graciously be holding onto those boxes for me. Lastly was the box of stuff that I will either give away to throw out.

It felt absolutely amazing to clean everything out and organize it. I always feel better when I do that.

Easter Long Weekend

Friday afternoon we went to Micheal's Craft Store to spend a million dollars on getting a poster custom framed. It will look amazing tho. I have a vision. It's all about the vision.

Easter Long Weekend
Easter Long Weekend

We went to Good Friday Mass at my Uncles Church with the fam. As Chad mentioned in his post some chick behind us passed right out and hit her head on the pew due to the lack of fresh air in the Church, as well, a fist fight almost occurred in front of us because some pretentious old lady wouldn't open up the window so we could all breath a little. It was most interesting.

Easter Long Weekend

After mass we all headed over to my Uncle Paul's some Fish n' Chips for din din. However, being that we are all Rossi's we had to have a pre dinner drink first. It's tradition.

Easter Long Weekend
Easter Long Weekend

Apparently the first taste wasn't a good taste.

Easter Long Weekend
Easter Long Weekend

Chad and his Port.

Easter Long Weekend

I am a lamp head.

Easter Long Weekend

I love this picture.

Easter Long Weekend

The Rossi's love their Scotch. And then you wonder why Chad fits in so well.

Easter Long Weekend
Easter Long Weekend

I'm classy. Except for my retarded hair. But anyways.

Saturday we went to Easter Vigil mass which is probably my favorite out of all the masses this weekend. Lots of things happen and its all very entertaining.

It started at 9 and didn't end until just after 11. We then went over to my Uncle Bernard's house for some drinks and such with a few other people. We left there and made it home by about 12 where my Dad pulled out the scotch and he, Chad, and my brother all indulged. The mom brought out the basket of chocolate and we all sat around and munched and drank.

Easter Long Weekend

This is Easter to us.

Easter Long WeekendEaster Long Weekend
Easter Long Weekend

Chad had a caramel cream egg.

Easter Long WeekendEaster Long Weekend

The parentals went to bed shortly after the scotch but we stayed up till 1:45. I have no idea why. I was exhausted tho so it wasn't the smarted idea.

Easter Long Weekend
Easter Long Weekend

Sunday morning I got to sleep in, but not long enough. When I woke up I felt heavy and all head coldish so I feared that Mr. Ciavarro had passed on his week long cold to me. I spent the majority of the day not feeling so hot and napping. When everyone came over for dinner I was at about my worst point. I was all hot and cold and my stomach was truly upset with me.

I attempted to eat dinner and then had to pass out on the tiled floor in the bathroom because I was so hot and it was the only thing that cooled me down. It was rather pathetic.

I fell asleep on the couch while everyone else ate and chatted and had a good time. It sucked. When I woke up Mom made me some tea and I started to feel better. Eventually everyone left and Chad and I took over the couch and watched the Discovery Channel until Midnight.

Easter Long Weekend

I woke up yesterday feeling tired but other then that perfectly fine. Most bizarre 24 hour sickness ever.

Yesterday however, was the day where nothing went right, and even though you really tried to make it, it ended up being a loose loose situation no matter what. Therefore yesterday was emotionally draining and exhausting.

Tonight Matt and I are going out for dinner. Just so happens to be at the same place and the same time and my Mom and her girlfriends. Should be interesting.

Poor Chad will be at home and have to eat dinner all alone again :(

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Statement of Earnings

15 more minutes till the potatoes are done. Chads making burgers and I making Pancetta Potatoes. I spent the morning cleaning out parts of my room, and the afternoon picking up 7 days worth of work clothes off the floor. They weren't mine.

I have to upload more pictures but they are all organized on my work computer, and seeing that is is Saturday, it means I don't have access to them. So tomorrow I will organize them on my laptop and post them.

I'm in a weird frame of mind right now. I feel like being mute but I also feel like blogging which is really the opposite of what I want to do. If that makes sense.

Chad is watching Scott Baio is 46 and Pregnant again. He is addicted. It's on really loud.

I'm bored. I dunno.


I bought Chad a Led Zeppelin box set DVD and he got all excited. I'm a good wife. I like to clean. I will post tomorrow about my cleanliness. I'm very excited about it. NO MORE DUST.


I just noticed that he has over 1000 posts and I only have 600. I need to get on that.

I have to put the Pancetta on the potatoes.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I wonder if St. Patrick was in fact a drunk? I know St. Chadwick is. Ha.

Anyways I thought I had finished this post yesterday but then I remembered I had to finish some work before I left last night and therefore did NOT finish this post so now I have to type it out with half frozen finger tips.

Also, spell check is not working for some reason and every time I go to use it it eats up all my pictures and I have to re-due them so if anything is spelled wrong I apologize.
St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day
So this was my first time actually having green beer. Everytime I went to grab it I thought it was Jell-O only to realize that it was beer after I drank it. I was so confused, but then again I always am.
St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day
Chad insisted that we share something since we had both already eaten dinner, which meant I couldn't get my calamari I wanted so desperately because Chad does not eay 'things of the sea'. Damn him.
St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day
Dario & Marlee joined us for the night. We got there at 7, just when the game was starting so obviously there was ZERO seating. We had to take over this bench thing until a couple in the area left and then we took over their table.
St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day
So yes, everyone knew we were going out even tho SOMEONE insisted we keep it a secret because he thought no one knew.

But anyways, the Mountain Shadow was where we use to go even before all of that, back in summer '06 and we never blogged about those events so I don't think anyone knew that far back, did you? I think when people first started to notice was post the big Tossed Salad blogger party that September, but we technically weren't dating then. Or maybe we were dating but we weren't bf/gf. I dunno, it was all very very confusing. But is that when ya'll figured it out? or no? I'm very curious on this subject.

But yes, if memory serves me right, we use to come here before our faces started to pop up together on blogs.
St. Patricks Day
He kept wanting me to take pictures of his eyes buldging but I just look stupid in all the pictures.
St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day
His head is huge. HUGE.
St. Patricks Day
We keep coping each other. First D&G glasses and now Razors.
St. Patricks Day
So the first period was very entertaining which was good. Then in the intermission some Celtic dancers came out to put on a little show. I think Chad has a video of it somewhere. They were really good but it was kinda odd having little girls dance for a bunch of drunk older men who were hollering at them. A little on the creepy side.

The dancing then continued into the 2nd period which meant that we could watch the game on the TV but not hear anything. Then once the dancers finished the Irish band started. Thats great. So the 2nd period was a total bust.

Ok so 2nd intermission, onto the 3rd period. This was about the time we got lucky and stole a table from a couple leaving and go better seats to watch the game. Perfect! Oh no, wait, the stupid PPV broadcast stalls half way through the 3rd period. YAY!

So we wait and we wait and people are trying to change the channel and fix it and nothing. Finally the screen goes blank, and the broadcast shuts off. Umm are you serial? Well thats just stupid. Most of the people got up and left because there was no point sticking around for a game you couldn't watch. People were pretty pissed.

Turns out everyone who had bought the PPV that night got screwed and lost the feed at the same point. The only good thing is that Shaw gave everyone their money back, but still.
St. Patricks Day
Dario and Marlee left 10 minutes after the melt down but Chad and I hung out long enough to finish our beer.

There was this short ugly guy who was walking around with this tall perfect blond girl. All we could talk about was how this guy clearly was a sketch bag and probally used his drug money to pay the chick to stick around. There seems to be a lot of those type couples in North Burnaby. Drug money central. Maybe thats why I got my tires slashed. Sonofa Bitch.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm not Irish

We are going to the old local pub tonight.
I'm excited to go NOT because its some day you wear green but because I haven't been there in forever and its where Chad and I use to go on all our secret dates.
You know back in the day when we all hid it from you.
It just so happens that the Canucks game is on PPV so we HAVE to go to the pub to watch it.
Thats the only reason we are going.
And I didn't have time today to do a proper post because I was consumed with trying to upload all the renovation pictures to flickr and then trying to organize them.
I'm still not done.
Hopefully tomorrow.
Anyways, now I am wasting time on facebook and Chad better be here in 15.
I just ate two pieces of raisin bread and its so good but thats like 210 calories.
Its that even right!?
Is that even a lot? I dunno it sounds like a lot.
Anyways, I'm just rambling now.
I should go make sure I don't look like a slob.
Holla atcha boy.

Friday, March 14, 2008

maybe i should be locked away

So on Wednesday night we all paid $13 to go down to the Italian centre for some wine tasting and cheese and grape eating. It was most delectable! Have to admit tho that Italian wines aren't my favorite (I know blasphemy) but I much prefer Australian wines especially Wolf Blass. That I could drink every day.
Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting
Dario & Marlee joined in the fun! Gawd I love her hair.
Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting
6 red, 2 white. Reds are ALWAYS better, but maybe I am bias.
Wine Tasting
All the rest of the pictures are up on my flickr account. And for all of you who Facebook stalk me and expect to see pictures of events on there, you will have to check my flickr account because my laptop over heats and shuts down every time I upload pictures to Facebook and my work computer won't let me upload them to Facebook either so to avoid all frustration I have just decided to put EVERYTHING on flickr in nice little organized folders for your viewing pleasure. I still MAY upload some things to Facebook if I have the time to fan my laptop for an hour but we shall see.

Speaking of flickr, I was browsing through some new pictures this morning when I came across Corinnas set of pictures that she took while checking out Riverview Mental Hospital. The pictures are both creepy yet extremely interesting. This sent me into an obsession trying to find out as much as I could about the now shut down hospital and the surrounding building which are still up and running. I was crapping my pants just reading about some of the things and imaging what use to happen there. Then I started reading about lobotomy's and how they were preformed, it was so eery. Reading the cases of people whom it happened to was the worst. It was so weird because its one of those things that scares you but you can't stop looking. I just kept researching and reading like an obsessive freak.

I started to scare Chad with all the stuff I was looking up and finding. It was just so amazingly interesting and is a part of our history here in BC with it being the largest mental health facility in all of North America. I don't know if I would have the guts to actually go there and see if for myself but I just couldn't stop looking at the pictures. It consumed all my thoughts.

Anyways, that took up a good part of my morning; obsessing over mental institutions.

Now because I wasted time this morning I am in a panic to try and get all the stuff I was suppose to get done, done. Ok well maybe not a panic but still.

After reading all I did today, saying that I am going mental just doesn't feel right anymore.