Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The boss just called and said we can leave early tonight. She also said I don't have to come in on Friday if I don't want to. Thank God! I would have been the only one here and that just would not have been fun.

I usually dread New Years Eve because I always get dragged to some big party I don't want to be at and there ends up being a million people I don't know and then the people I do know disappear. The last few New Years Eve parties have left a sour taste in my mouth.

New Years Eve as a kid was always fun. Darios family and our family always got together. We switched houses each year and we would bring over all these board games. Our moms made food for us and we would eat and drink (non-alcoholic beverages of course!) and play games until it was 11:59. Then we would rush and grab every pot and pan that we could find and go out side and run around banging them to ring in the New Year!

I have very fond memories of those times and often wish I could go back and spend New Years like that again. Staying up until 5 in the morning getting drunk and passing out on someones floor is not my idea of a good time.

Tonight we will somewhat we reenacting my childhood memories. With our plans being left to the last minute and a few ideas falling through a handful of us are heading over to Darios empty compound for some appys, drinks, Guitar Hero and more. I am so excited! It's a 5 minute drive from home. Everyone who will be there are good friends and I'm sure we will have an over abundance of food to eat!

It just makes sense to ring in the New Year with a group of friends I love in a relaxed and cozy environment.

2008 was a pretty sweet year with the majority of it being enveloped by the wedding and everything surrounding it. I am looking forward to 2009 being much quieter. Hopefully Chad and I can go on some weekend get-aways. My Mom and Dad got us a gift certificate for a weekend away of our choice which we are really excited about! I can't wait for trips! 2009 will be the calm before the 2010 storm and 5 million things we have planned.

So the next time you hear from me things will be a little different around here so have a safe and happy new years! I shall see you soon!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ready? Rant.

  1. The City of Burnaby / Garbage Men

Alright so our garbage gets picked up at the beginning of the week. I can't remember exactly which day but for argument sake lets say Monday. So the garbage men come in their big truck to pick up all of our garbage on Monday and then all of our recycling on Thursday. Since last week was Christmas the garbage schedule got shifted and we went from having our garbage picked up on Monday to it being picked up on Friday. But wait!

Both Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday we had huge snow storms which piled our streets and ally ways with dumps of snow, which meant that there was NO way any sort of city vehicle would be able to get around our apartment building. This meant that our already 2 week late garbage pick up did not happen. Ok, not the biggest deal in the world, I was still able to dispose of the things I needed to dispose of. But wait!

Christmas usually produces a large amount of garbage with paper and packaging from toys and gifts getting chucked in the garbage. Not to mention the waste from food. Now because we were not home very much during those few days I was not able to really clean up all the garbage and papers until Sunday. When I went to take my two bags of trash to the shoot for disposal what do I see? A large sign informing me that the garbage bin was over flowing with garbage and that all shoots had been locked shut preventing anyone from getting rid of their garbage until the bin was to be emptied. And when might you ask, will this bin be emptied. Oh, well, not until the following FRIDAY!

So this means that our garbage will not have been picked up for 3 weeks, and all the garbage and boxes and papers that I need to throw out and recycle basically gets to accumulate in my hall closet until the garbage men decided to come get the damn trash.

I understand not being able to pick up garbage because of snow build up in ally ways, but now are ally is basically clear. They could come at ANY time! But no, we have to wait until Friday and I get to fume and explode every time I see this large pile of crap growing in my closet because I have to hoard my own garbage.

The frustration this causes me is ridiculous.

Someone give me the number to Tony Soprano's Waste Management Company. I need to take matters into my own hands.


Anyways, I was going to rant about 3 other things and then just realized the cause of frustration in all of them leads to one main factor. SNOW.

I need a shovel and a blow torch.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas is Ova

Its so hard to blog after Christmas because there are so many things that happened and so many stories to tell. I just never know where to start other then to ignore that it happened and to carry on with my daily business.

Champagne & OJ

This year was quite successful. Even though there was really only a few things we wanted for Christmas we got an amazing compilation of gifts. So many gifts I don't even know what to do with myself.

It snowed tons every day. We got stuck numerous times trying to get out to White Rock for boxing day dinner at Chads Uncle and Aunts house.

Ciavarro Tree

Christmas Eve we went out to Midnight Mass as planned. The choir sounded amazing and I was so glad I went through with it. It started snowing during the Mass so Chad and I basically left right after. The weather looked bad and we had to drive to White Rock so there was no point in staying and drinking with everyone at my Uncle house. Not to mention I slipped on some ice and fell on my ass in front of everyone.

So we drove out to WR at 1:30 in the morning. We got to the house around 2:30 and instead of going to bed right away Chad decided to go through all his old Football cards that he found in his room. I didn't fall asleep until way passed 3 because I had Christmas songs stuck in my head. Not to mention my eyes were itching like I mofo and I couldn't figure it out, until I realized that we were most likely sleeping in a bed infested with Tractors fur. I always forget that I am allergic to Cats because I am never around them and they don't always bother me. That night I had a bad case of red puffy itchy eyes. Not good.

Aww morning cuddles!

Christmas morning was good, though I was so tired from lack of sleep. We had a big breakfast and then opened a million gifts. I helped hand them all out which was fun. I'm efficient.

We hung around for a bit and watched The Song Remains the Same on Blue Ray. It was Chads Dads gift. I got bored with it rather quickly though because I don't do guitar solos and you basically have to be high to watch this movie. It doesn't make any sense. I did, however, realized why so many girls wanted to sleep with Robert Plant. He seduced me through the TV Screen.


We left in the afternoon and headed home where I passed out for a while and Chad showered. We went to my parents house at about 4:30 and opened gifts and had a small dinner with a handful of people. Mom served Lamb which I don't eat so I had potato's. They were good and I had a huge headache so I really didn't want to eat anything else.

Boxing Day I got up super early and walked to Metrotown to go to two stores and walked in and out. That is the ONLY way to do Boxing Day at Metrotown. People are nuts and stand in hour long line ups to get 10 bucks off yoga pants. The rest of the day I was feeling pretty lazy and watched 4 episodes of What Not To Wear. That was fun. In the evening we went to Chads uncles as I mentioned. Everyone cancelled expect us and Chads parents, so it was good that we did make it out there.

Coach Gloves

Saturday we just hung out. I did some laundry and then we headed downtown in the afternoon. We went to the Vancity Theaters to watch The Godfather on the big screen. I read about it on Miss 604 and so we bought tickets and headed down there. It was an awesome experience so I am so glad Rebecca blogged about it otherwise I would have never known! I loved every minute of it even though I've seen it a thousand times. I can't wait for #2 to come out!

Sunday I did a bit of shopping with the Parentals and then headed home and got ready for the annual Rossi Boxing Day Dinner, which wasn't held on boxing day this year but that doesn't matter. I will post those pictures tomorrow.

Christmas Night with the Parentals

I'm not as exhausted as I was last year but maybe that's because I was pretty lazy this year. The fun hasn't ended though. Mikey is arriving tomorrow so we will have a week of adventures with him. I wonder if I could get Mikey and Patz to fight in a jello match. Humm...

Winter Pictures

Christmas Day & Presents Pictures

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Snowed In

So its Christmas Eve and we are basically snowed in. Everything that was suppose to happen today has been canceled, but instead of feeling disappointed I am completely content. It gives me the perfect excuse to sit at home and relax.

Chad has been outside for 2 hours shoveling snow. The odd thing is he actually enjoys it so hes having fun out there. Though I am sure his feet are soaking wet since he is only wearing runners.

Tonight is Midnight mass and is the whole reason why I joined my uncle choir and have been practicing every week. We went to the church last night for one more practice and the parking lot was a disaster. Nothing had been cleared from the last snow storm. My uncle phoned my mom this morning and said all the streets around the church are a disaster. He doesn't know if mass tonight will go through. Kind of puts a hitch in things but I guess all we can do is wait and see.

We are suppose to drive out to White Rock tonight, after mass, so more like 1:00 in the morning. We are spending Christmas morning with Chads moms side of the family. It's one of Chads favorite traditions so come hell or high water we will be there. I'm really looking forward to it so I hope we can make it out there. Chad calls my car 'The Snow Cat' so he thinks we can make it. The only tricky parts with be the side streets of course.

Moms all freaking out because all of her plans are ruined. Not to mention Steven went to Greece for Christmas from Turkey and hasn't called her at all. The last time she heard from him was Sunday when he arrived.

Ah well...Young and the Restless is on and I haven't seen it in so long so I am so lost. I think Eva from ANTM is on here. I need to figure out what the new story line is. There are so many new characters.

Here are some pictures from today...

Snow Boots
Eating Snow
Trying to get up 1
Taking a Break
Shovel Boy
Making Snow Angels
Cristmas Eve Snow
Cristmas Eve Snow

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome to a perfect Sunday

Beautiful Trees
Christmas Card
Under the Trees
Snow Kicker
A Perfect Sunday

Its been snowing all day and all night. The roads aren't that crazy but I still don't want to go outside. I've already been out this morning.

We've spent the majority of the day cuddled up on the couch with blankets watching TV and surfing the web.

I plan on reading lots later on. Am so looking forward to that. Going to book mark some good recipes and try them out over the next few weeks.

I love today. I love not moving. I love doing whatever it is I want to do. Its so comfy and cozy. Chads going to light a fire and we are going to eat some pasta and its going to be a perfect night cuddled with a book and my boos.

I'm working Monday and Tuesday and then have the rest of the week off. I'm going to eat it up. Tubbing on Christmas Eve. Breakfast and Dinners on Christmas Day. Shopping at 8am on Boxing Day. Godfather Watching on Saturday and Family dinner eating on Sunday.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Stop Coughing

I've been too distracted. I'm spending too much time actually working instead of blogging. And then when I get the chance to blog I spend it fixing up the new one instead of paying attention to the old one. Oh well.
I guess I'll take a little Christmas break and come back fresh and clean for the new year. I don't have many days off over the next two weeks, but I will have enough to hopefully relax and hang out with the fam, so posting will be down to a minimum.
The Ciavarros
Tonight we are going out on a double date with Alicia and Adam. We want to go to Baci but apparently they are having 5 million Christmas Parties there tonight so it might be too busy. We've got a back up plan though. So excited for dinner with friends!!!
The Ciavarros
Alicia and I have eaten so much chocolate today. I'm actually getting sick of it. We are the only ones here and have been stuffing our faces off with all the free food in the lunch room. This is why I love Christmas time.
Trevor Linden Night
I actually can't believe its Christmas already. I remember thinking about it LAST year, what it would be like, our first Christmas as a married couple and now here it is. Crazy.
Bundled Up
I have to clean up my desk a little bit here. There crap everywhere.
Sky Train Chad
Alicia saw our little mouse friend in the lunch room today. She freaked out but not overly girl freak out. Since then I have had to accompany her every time she wants to go to the warehouse. Its kinda cute. Awww poor Alicia!
Trevor Linden Night
Trevor Linden night was amazing. It was really cool that we were able to be apart of it. It was even better to see our team pull off a win live! It was Chad and my first hockey game together. I learned that you can not talk to him when they are playing. Even more so when they are on TV. It was quite amusing.
Trevor Linden Night
Ok this post is a complete disaster of rambles. I gotta go.

Trevor Linden Night

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh yea, guess where I am going tonight!?

Tickets for Tonight
TL <3
Forever a Canuck

That is, if I can get home in this blizzard. Sweet Jesus.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Am so looking forward to baked potatos tonight. Drool.

Pictures to make me smile since today didn't.

Hair Hand
I think I should probably get it cut. I just can't bring myself to do it. I've gotten this far. I should just let it get to 'Homeless Hippie Disaster' length.

Tying the Knot
We metaphorically tied the knot.

Chad & the Mountains
So big and tough infront of them there mountains.

Me & the Mountains
I look like an elf. Or just some ill positioned nut case.

Phyl in the Bedroom
We have to move Phyl into the bedroom since the Christmas Tree took over his spot. Now every time I lay in bed I feel like I'm living in the jungle. He's very invasive.

Quatchi matches our decor quite nicely. I made all the pillows. 'Cept for the brown ones at the back, they came with the set.

Cute Post it
Everytime I look at this I think 'Aww Chads so cute'. Then I remember that the note's not about him but about my FACTORY boyfriend. So many boys. So little time. So confusing.

Thanks Costco!
Thank you Costco for making boxes of Tea Bags. They last me forever. This box is also the only thing in the office the mouse DIDN'T eat. Yea. I still haven't told you that story.
Colour Contrast
A face only a mother could love.
This post feels very un inspired. Maybe that is because I am very un inspired today. Today has been a crappy day.
I have a lot of new pictures I wish to post but I think that they only make sense if each set has its on post.
I hope to eff around with this blog tonight. That is if Mr. C with grace me with his assistance. I've been contimplating Wordpress for over a year now and I think the only way to get my blog to look and function the way I want it to I will need to use Wordpress. I just have such an emotional connection with Blogger that I feel guilty leaving. Anyways, hopefully we can test it out tonight.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Honestly, who throws his shoe?

This Saturday I actually proclaimed that I like Mondays more then Saturdays. This was because, like always, I didn't get nearly as much done on Saturday as I would have liked and everything I did do was in a big mad rush, which left me stressed and frustrated. Story of my life. I always think I can squeeze so much into a Saturday and that is never the case.

Looking a tad pissed
Slick Love

Saturday night we had two Christmas Parties. One with my Godparents & another one with Chad friends. We went to my Godparents (Darios Parents) for dinner and festivities and then headed out to Kits for the annual gift exchange where we play that game where everyone gets a number and you either have the choice of opening a gift or stealing a gift.

My gift got stolen like 15 times and every two minutes I had a different gift. It really sucked because some of my gifts were really nice and I want to keep them, Hello Lululemon gift card! I ended up with a bottle of Wolf Blass Red Wine, which just so happens to be my favorite so that was good, & Chad ended up with a book about some guy in the music industry. He was pretty excited about his book.

The most talked about gift however was a giant wooden rooster name Bernard. As you can imagine it produced some pretty interesting remarks. Everyone wanted to steal the 'giant wooden cock'. It was even in my possession at one point, but as you guessed it was stolen away from me. It would have made a pretty kick ass decoration at our entrance.

Flake Face
Snow in Kits
Thanks for the face Chad

While at the party, we all seemed to not notice the large amount of snow compiling outside, so by the time we left at 2 in the morning everything had an inch and a half of white stuff on it. This meant going up hill was impossible as we found out and slid back down the hill trying to get to 4th. Luckily most of the main streets were cleared to some extent. We assumed that since Kits was a white wonderland, Metrotown would be much worse since we are quite a bit higher then everyone and always get a lot of snow. This, was actually quite the opposite, and both Chad and I felt quite jibbed that we didn't get as much snow. Damn you Kits!

Sunday we took it easy. Chad played a million hours of computer games and I finished up 3 loads of laundry, wrapped all the Christmas gifts, and wrote all the Christmas cards. I was going to go out to do some shopping but I had no motivation to get out of my pjs. It was nice to just stay home all day/night and be lazy while getting stuff done.

Winter Driving
Hippie Hair

Tonight we are staying home as well, which I am excited about. All these parties and gathering are fun, but they really make you appreciate staying home and relaxing in your pjs with a glass of wine! Not to mention Chad just went out and bought a bunch of fire wood for the fire. I foresee a night spent cuddled on the couch watching Craig Ferguson make fun of George W and the whole shoe throwing incident.