Thursday, June 30, 2005

And I believe I know what key you will sing in....F Major!

it is the last blog of the creative with the comments...

ryan just taught me how to play 'i get lonesome' on the guitar over the net and i'm excited...

this is a 'mood board' of sorts that i created and is hanging in my room...tell me what you see/think/feel...or anything it and you'll get a bigger picturette

alan rickman is so sexy...

i am in love with old british men...clearly...

MOVIE - Sense and Sensibility

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

their ain't nobody left to impress and everyone is kissing their own hand

apparently i look hot with the wind in my hair

self absorbed

if i had a rocket launcher i'd make somebody pay

we think to highly of ourselves

'sweater vest' whores

if a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?

i took these pictures tonight when matt came out to visit...they are a top burnaby mountain...

MUSIC - Beck - I Get Lonesome

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

she works hard for her money...or not

dear job:

i know i shouldn't complain...but damnit i have to today

work just blows like your mom when she sees the mail man

all last summer i spent working in your office re-naming and organizing a shit load of files

today i get told that all the 'financial statement' files are wrong

and why are they wrong?

because i did them EXACTLY the way YOU wanted them done

for 5 years my job has been to create the files i am told to make

so don't get mad at ME...get mad at the person who told me to make them

if i wasn't so lacking of money and you weren't so flexible

i would quit your ass

i hate that i need you...stupid job

can't i just get paid for talking on msn???

don't worry...your day will come...and no one will like you anymore

and i will be rich and famous and i wont need YOU

love danielle

Monday, June 27, 2005

i dreamed of being big and manly - dreaming is the best you can do

aaaahahaha another eve at the gym...this one proved to be most interesting...

1) dearest dario tried to get me in free again..and it should have frickin worked...but needless to say it didn' i had to shell out a whole $10.70 - bastard children

Dario writing now- stupid whore person wouldn’t let me get Danielle in for free cause shes so worried that we’re trying to stiff their precious gym out of money… OOOOOHHHHH NOOOOOOOO…. they probably make thousands of dollars of profit a year on poor schmucks like me, and they wont even let Danielle in for free a couple times… what a bunch of uptight MO FUCKAHS!

2) so we hope on the bikes for our warmup session and im looking around and who do i see out of the cornor of my eye...none other then MATT BEVIS...and all those who know the story behind me, matt bevis, and dario will understand the anguish this caused...thankfully he didnt see us...after the warmup i ran to the 'womans only' part of the gym as to avoid b/c i hate awkwardness...but dario says he thinks that matt saw him...ahahaha dear god

Dario writing now- fuck, I was hoping so badly that bevis would walk up and start talking to Danielle… I love awkward moments when I can sit back and laugh. So yeah I get on the bench press and who should walk by, but mr. bevis! I cant say for sure that he saw me, I KNOW he did… makes me laugh cause he avoided eye contact completely… maybe its because he was intimidated by my muscularily muscular body… I doubt it… but it was funny just the same.

3) in the confusion of seeing matt bevis i some how screwed up the bike thing i was on and made myself look more then least dario had a good laugh...

Dario writing now- OOOOOOOH GOD! THAT WAS TOO FUNNY! I didn’t know that Danielle hadn’t pressed the quick start button, so shes pedaling as hard as she can with no resistance. So being the helpful person I am, I push the resistance button for a good ten seconds. Well it was at this point I realized that Danielle hadn’t picked a setting, so I pressed quick start. AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It immediately went to 29 resistance! Danielles legs stopped moving instantly! Fucking hilarious!

it was my first time on the girls side and the machines were so much eaiser to use...i guess thats because we are girls and we are feeble...( Dario- no kidding! Hahahaha just kidding) although it was nice beacuse there were not to many girls around i would have much rather been in the guys section...i have this thing where every girl i met i automatically assume they are a bitch until they prove themselves otherwise...guilty until proven innocent!

i dont want to look like Arnold Schwartzeneggar
it's easier being fat and lazy

and thank you dario for the commentary

i'm hopeless but at least i know this

while cleaning out some of my school stuff i can across a bunch of magazine clippings that i had of them was about relationships - good ones, negative ones, draining ones - and when i read over it a realized that a lot of what they were saying i could apply to relationships i had/have, with both friends and boyfriends

the part about negative relationships was what caught my eye the said that a negavtive relationship is when you are not being true to yourself and it results in unbearable stress...wishful thinking that leads to frustration, which leads to anger and if that anger is not expressed and is kept inside then it manifests into depression

this, i can attest to, is true...and it is the worst feeling in the want to believe that this relationship you are in is worth something and something good will come out of it, but time and time again through expectations you become disappointed and begin to question everything

i myself personally hate to fight or cause pain, so i would rather just shut up about the way i feel and deal with it myself so that i don't have to argue or put things in jeopardy...but this has resulted in many restless nights just constantly going over things in my head and not being able to sleep...and i cant stand it anymore

i never regret anything that i did because regret is a waste of time...whether you see it now or not everything happens for a reason and so every experience that you have was meant to happen...the important thing is that you learn from these experience and you in trun realize their matter how bad or good, the lessons you learn for the experiences you have mold you into who you thank the people that made you cry, laugh, sad, smile beacuse with out them you wouldn't be you...

life is all about the experience...go out and do something bad, something that scares you, something you never thought you would do...and then sit and think about what you learned, about yourself and about life...don't sit and worry about it...just let it be

Sunday, June 26, 2005

during the getaway i will drive the vespa

this is rico and i in new york...we are on a boat cruz of manhattan and staten island

rico and i became friends back in feburary...i was sewing a pair of mens pants in my room quite awkwardly and i was using rico...i was pissed off at a bunch of people so i decided that i was going to become best friends with this cute little chocolate brown spool of serger thread because he was cooler then the people i was pissed off at...i named him rico beacuse i was listening to underdogs and rico came on...i love that song

so that is the story of rico...he's pretty cool and i heart him greatly

you make think i am a nut, but let me assure you there are nuttier out there...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

come on girls we're going to paint the town...

ahh...the jazzy jazz festival as i like to call it...quite the experience...i myslef like all types of music, however am not an uber big fan of the jazz...other then bill cosby scatting that is...but alexis asked me to go and wanted me to bring matt so she could finally meet him and so i decided to broaden my cultural stance...

we met up at waterfront and began our musical journey...

matt made the most freakin amazing shorts EVER...he found some vintage wool at his grandmother house and made these...i cant get over how fab they are...they're a smige tight beacuse matt doesn't know how to make clothes big, only really really tight - matt is a bit of a skank

he is really going to be famous one day...i just know it...his designs are amazing, his clothes are amazing...everything matt does just blows me away...i dont get how someone can be so creative and fashionable...everything he buys some how comes into fashion - he is beyond his time

alexis took us for sushi in a 50s was odd...i had been there before but when it actually was a 50s dinner...i guess the people that bought it didnt feel like changing the was really interesting being in a place that was so one thing and being served something that was soo different...the food was good...but the noodles were sketchy, so matt ate them, and alexis ate my chicken, and i ate my sushi...

once again my photography amazes me...this should be an ad for something

matt made sure that before he came to the jazz festival he knew how to he got his brother to teach him...wasn't as good as bill and his cosby but it was pretty to watch the should work - and if not at least you get to hear it!!

we sat at the park on the cornor of hastings and cambie where one of the stages was...we listened to jazz while alexis and her friend D, who joined us, looked through the georgia straight at all the adds for transexuals...whats a jazz festival with out transexuals???

matt wanted to go into pappas furs since it was across the street, but i didnt think we looked classy enough, so instead we took random pictures of people...that is always more entertaning

while we were sitting there some guy from some AM radio station asked if he could come up and interview us...alexis and d were willing but matt and i knew nothing so we didnt...

eventually we got joined by more of alexis friends, dave and k bot??? - yes...anyways...decided to go to dressew since we were right there...two fashion students and a bunch of crazy people - dressew was a must...D decided to try on this R2-D2 mask, which we thought was pretty sexy

in the eve matt went home and friends left and we met up with alexis' fam (which was half of my family too) and we went out for dinner...her cousins from north carolina were visiting and andrea was the cutest ever!!! she kept calling alexis' dads cell secretly from under the table and he was getting so was great

there is never a dull moment when alexis is day up at manning park i decided that i was going to give some of my cousins names of beatles songs... Maria was lady madonna, Elise was mean mr. mustard (i didnt like her at the time) and Alexis was sexy today she tells me this story that her parents originally wanted to name her mercedes but it would have sucked beacuse the only short form for the name would have been sadie...and i was like OMG you could have really been sexy sadie!!!! see it was so meant to be...

but yes...our jazzy day was fun and i am glad i went...and all that jazz (sorry sadie i had to say it!)

for more pictures from today click here and view the jazz photo album

unt game o tennis

so after months of harassment i finally obliged kyle to a game of tennis...and boy was i out of shape...we didnt actually play a game...we just rallied - is that how you spell it??? was fun...until some cool asains came and showed us up...whatever we were hotter...when we were done kyle went home to watch tennis...i think he thinks it will improve his game...not likely

i'm a dork
my boobs look big
i'm fake playing
kyle in the park
nice form
he isn't a bad player - in tennis that iskyle - his mom and i are best friends...b/c kyle took italian in highschool

Friday, June 24, 2005

steveson - what??? its classy...

so yesterday i took a speratic trip out to the 'burbs to visit matt...he wanted me to bring my camera so i could take some pictures and blog them...i think he hates my obsession with blogging...but i dont really care...he is clearly jealous of me...

the thing with matts family is that they eat dinner 7ish...where my family eats dinner the man tells me to leave my house at 6:30 so that by the time i get to his he will be done dinner and we can go out...well by the time i had gotten there they hadn't even started at i got to join them and eat my second dinner that night...

we had good food...chicken, cold noodles, green beans...all so very yummi

then we left for steveson...his parents thought that was a bit sketchy of us - they are uber makes me jealous...matt is so lazy - maybe thats why we get along so well...we got to take the new volvo on our 5 minute made us feel special - people stared - especially when matt made noises with the clutch

we walked along the board walk and made fun of people...ugly young couples kept staring at us...and i know it's because we were the hottest emo thing going - matt hates when i referr to emo

next we went to get ice cream in the village...we were two feet away from the store when matt decided it would be more fun to walk all the way back, get the car, and drive we i told him stories about how boys are stupid...

the ice cream was good...matt didnt look at the girl serving us b.c. he thought he was too cool...our next stop was gary point...everytime i stepped in to or out of the volvo i felt like the coolest person in the world...and people stared and i loved it...we decided to be a snooty married couple with our hot was a good plan...

next i wanted to go to the dyke...a rehashing of old memories...masochistic...we drove like the wind breaking all speed limits - i was on cop watch - he kept turing around and going different ways b/c people infront of us were going to slow...thats matt for you...after we went to dairy queen because i was cravinig fries...he was embarassed to be there...

for more steveson pictures click here and view the steveson photo album

symoblistic white walls surround me and you...

ahh...a new home for's been a long time coming let me tell you... i have wanted to get a 'real' blog for the longest time but felt sorry for my old one...but FINALLY i have make room...i have plently of obscure pictures and bizzare stories to tell all...this shall be very interesting to say the very least...i frickin love blogging!