Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Steve & Gloria

The Internet broke yesterday. Well our server broke so we couldn't send emails or do anything. It basically made Claudia, Alicia, and I loose our minds. No Internet is like being cut off from the world. Its the saddest thing ever but we were seriously going mental.

Luckily at 3:30 it finally got fixed and we got our fix. You should have seen the excitement on our faces.

The Cabinet

Party Glasses
Booze for Youze
Glass Ware
Appy Plates
Fancy Shot Glasses

This weekend we finally got all the boxes and piles off the floor. Oh the joy that that brought! We also did a bunch of errands returning things and buying things and changing my drivers license and setting things up. It was busy but good.

I can't remember what we did Saturday night. I don't think we ate dinner until 8:30 that night, we were so late with everything. Doing dishes at 10:30 is not fun. Chad ate so much food I thought he was going to explode. Then we finished off a bottle or wine. Just like in the old days.

Milk, Eggs & Nix
Sunday Morning
Morning Chad!

Sunday morning we got up early and I made pancakes (best.wife.ever). After lunch we went and did more buying and returning. I got the new Sex in the City DVD even though I still haven't seen the movie yet, but I figured its something I, as a woman in fashion, should own.

We then purchased a new fancy TV for the bedroom. It's nicer then the one in the living room, but it was on sale (Thank you Bay Days!) We get to pick it up on the 15th. I AM SO EXCITED. I have always wanted a TV in my bedroom.

The majority of the stuff we had to return went to the Bay or Home Outfitters which as we all know is a part of the HBC group of companies. Meaning, that every time you bring stuff back you get your money back on an HBC gift card. After returning all that we did and combining the amount on that card with the other gift cards we got as wedding presents we had an unfathomable amount to spend. We bought the TV and a few other things and still have enough money to replace a few items in the kitchen and then some. Its exciting but ridiculous at the same time. I can't wait to spend it all.

A Spot of Tea
Spotty Bowls
Denby! <3

We were finally able to figure out all the Denby and return the things we had extras of. I was so happy to finally put it all away and have the ability to stare at its beauty. I even served Sundays dinner on the plates just to prove to Chad that I am not scared to use them. I just can't get over their beauty. Having them sit in our fancy cabinet fulfills a life long dream. They make me happy.

Denby Dinner
Random Sausage Dinner

The last thing that needs to be set up is the new microwave and microwave shelf. You see when I opened all the presents and put them all away I put the mixer out on the counter like most people do, but in order to do this I had to put away Chads 'beautiful' display of jars filled with pasta. This did NOT sit well with him so he wants to rearrainge the whole kitchen just to have his pasta jars go back where they belong. This means creating a shelf beside the stove to house the microwave, putting the mixer where the microwave was, and putting his pasta in its rightful spot.

At least this is motivating him to get on this little project of his. Thats what he spent all of yesterday and last night doing. He is insane.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Shhh it's almost October

Ok so we didn't take as many pictures as I had hoped this afternoon. After being rather lazy this morning we ended up working our asses off in the warehouse. That and my camera died after three pictures. But what can you do.

Velvet Headband Anyone?

I told Chad last night that after two years of being lazy I was putting my foot down and demanding that we do SOMETHING for Halloween. I'm not saying we have to go on a 12 hour pub crawl or anything big. I mean even a small house party or something. I just need to dress up as someone and I need to drink booze with friends while doing this.

So excited for Warehouse time!

The only problem...I have no idea what to wear. I have no idea who to be. I have zero inspiration. And considering that Chad will not participate what so ever I can't even do a couples theme. None the less I must go as something/someone. Maybe I will go as Alicia. I think I could pull it off.

White Board Attack

I think Chad should go as a Hanging Chad. I mean, it makes sense. Anyways I NEED HALLOWEEN IDEAS. I am so lacking in the halloween inspiration this year. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone is planning a party or knows of a party, LET ME KNOW!


Booty Booty Booty Booty Rock'em Everywhere

Alicia and I are the only ones here today. Thats a bad thing. A very bad thing. Why you ask? Because it means today (which is also a Friday) we will most likely goof off all day long! Sweet! I mean we will do SOME work, but with everyone abandoning us I think it is our right to have fun today.

I have a feeling there will be lots of pictures taken today and there will be more then one post about our antics today. It should be good times. Other then the fact that I kinda have an eye head ache right now. Does that make sense?


New Boots

I bought theses boots a while ago (kinda) and have been saving them for fall to come so I can jump around in them. The second I saw them I fell in love and bought them. Might have something to do with the plaid. Not sure.

I showed Chad them when I got them but of course he doesn't remember. I put them on this morning for the first time and what does he say to me. "You look like Napoleon Dynamite". Umm excuse me. His boots were ugly, these are adorable. Then he told me we were having Bass for dinner. Smart ass.

Todays OutfitSexy Boots

So despite what Chad may think these boots are kick ass. For that matter, so is my outfit today. I heart it. But I need more new shoes. All my shoes are old. They need to be replace. I think this calls for a shoe shopping date! PRONTO!
And can someone say random good hair day! I didn't even do anything to it and it curled. Holla.
I am so hearting these boots today.
Someone needs to come with me on a date to buy chuck taylors. Thank you.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I <3 pretty homes

Last night I got to spend the evening by myself cleaning and organizing and doin' my thing. It was actually quite nice. For some reason I can always clean and organize better when Chads out of the house, so I always take the opportunity when he leaves to go like mad.

My Favorites

Omg I can not tell you how good it felt to get boxes off the floor and things put away. I made a huge pile of clothes and things to give away because I figure that I don't have a lot of room and there is no point in keeping things that I really don't need because they will take up space for nothing. I've got all my clothes, shoes, and jewelry figured out with room to spare. That makes me beyond happy.


My Nonna gave us a huge tupperware tub to use as storage so I packed it full of wedding gifts that I don't have room for right now. Things like vases and candle stick holders and silver platters. Things I like and wish to keep, but right now I know they won't be used on a regular basis and I just have no room to store them. Once I clean out the basement at my parents house I will be able to store and easily access this tub so I can grab stuff I need in advance. It should work out nicely.

Pussy attacks Russ

There is still a small pile of gifts that I need to put away. Our big corningware set which I think I've figures out a spot for them and our huge Kitchenaid mixer that I have no idea where to put. That will be Saturdays challenge. Along with figuring out how much Denby we got and what needs to be returned or exchanged. I think we ended up getting way more then we needed.

Pussy's Hiding

I love cleaning and organizing. It makes my brain feel clutter free and makes me breath easier when I don't see piles and piles of crap everywhere.


The only sad part of last night was that I basically watched the Woman's Network for 4 hours. I guess it makes sense because I am a women but I still have to laugh at myself. I love having the TV on while I clean. It makes me feel like I have company that won't get in the way.


Tonight is a trip to Costco and then I'm taking the night off because of all the work I did last night. I'll finish everything else up on Saturday. I am so looking forward to it. I am the lamest person ever! Ahh the life of a house wife.

Chad & Zoe

We need to have a Cambie night soon. But by soon I mean anytime after two weeks. I'm still on my hibernation from society phase but I can feel the itch to go out and party slowly coming on. Plus PatZ never really had an 'official' welcom back party.

Freedom makes me want to Party.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No ticket. No taco.

Sexy Hat

I arrived at work on Monday morning to 2 unread emails, a sheet of paper on my desk and no idea what there was to do. Taking this opportunity to re-name pictures on Flickr instead of finding out what was left to do for Fall 08, I blissfully spent the majority of the day catching up on all my internet news and gossip.

This however got very boring very quickly and I itched for some small task to work on. It was at about that exact point when I was told there would be little to no work for me over the next month. Great. Some might exclaim joy to news like this but I could only come to one conclusion. I am going to be bored out of my mind.

An odd series of events has put us way ahead of the game in finishing up Fall 08 and starting Spring 09. Our designer is going to Chile for a month so we really need to get things moving and have everything ready before she leaves. The only problem with this is that in the flow chart of fashion I am at the tail end of it all. I do a few things in the middle but most of the work I am involved in is at the end of the process. So while everyone who is involved with the start and beginning of the process is running around like mad, I get to sit here for the next month trying to find things to keep me busy.

While I enojy the fact that I wont be stressed out and will be able to catch up on a few things I am left with an overall feeling of frustration. There are so many things I could work on at home. Setting the apartment up, putting away & returning gifts, and cleaning the whole thing. I think about all these things I could be doing to get a head all the while sitting here at work with nothing to do. It drives me crazy.

I enjoy working. I enjoy getting tasks done. I hate sitting idol for days upon end. It feels like such a waste. Time goes by slower. There is no one here to chat with. I don't want things to become stressful and rushed, I just want a little bit of work to come my way.

I'm going to see what I can fine today. I am finally feeling motivated enough. I think I will finally finish counting those zippers I've been putting off and dreading. I've got no other choice.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Carmens Playa

It's Tuesday.

We got home on Saturday. Night that is.

We left the sun and humidity and arrived to cold rain.

I honestly don't know which I like better. Maybe a combination.

The warm sun with a cooling breeze? Perfection.

The New ViewView of the Court Yard

It was absolutely wonderful to get away and basically do nothing for a week. I mean we did stuff but we were on our own time line. It was so relaxing. I actually read a book. An entire book. And I don't read books. It was monumental.

Watching CNN
Ahh the McCains

We oddly enough spent a lot of time watching CNN and got into big discussions about the US presidential election and the fall of the economy. Just Chad and I. So random but so obsessed with CNN now. I think its all thanks to Anderson Cooper reporting from Texas during the hurricane wearing a skin tight black t-shirt with his hair all tussled. It was a very nice image.

Down at the Court Yard
What clouds are these Elise?

The weather was sunny and humid but there were threats of Thunder showers every day. And they came. Every day. But in small spurts. Early in the morning, or late in the evening. But they came. It was a nice cool down. Thunder in Mexico sounds different then Thunder in Vancouver. Its weird.

Steak Man
Salad Girl

The food was good. I ate reasonably but Chad stuffed himself on more then one occasion. Our drink of choice was the Mango Tango. I don't know what was in it but it was good and cold and girly.

Who is this man?

There were a lot of people from Texas at our resort. As well as Mexicans. On vacation. It was weird.

Mr. Ciavarro
Mrs. Ciavarro

We wore matching shirts the first day which garnered a lot of attention. People actually pointed and stared at us. A little odd. They were probably trying to pronounce our disaster of a last name. I say disaster because only Italians can pronounce it right. Everyone else butchers it.

Chad never smiles
Chad at Tulum
Floating down the river

Our one excursion was to Tulum and Xel-ha. That was a fun, long, tiring day that was actually filled with cloud and rain and Thunder.

Tanning away

I got a tan, but only mildly, and on our last day there.

5th Ave.
Its not Wal Mart
Beautiful Colours
We did not have tequila

We love 5th ave. Especially at night. In the rain.

The line up
Hats and Glasses
View from the deck

Cozumel was fun too. Deathly hot, but very pretty.

Hi Chad

We spent a night at Senor Frogs and their $15 drinks. I represented Canada in a game. I tied for 1st because Chad wouldn't give me his pants. I did win him a beer however. I'm a good wife.

On the beach

The beaches will always be our favorite. I think someone peed in the Gulf of Mexico.

Swim Up Bar
Chin Ups
Close Up

But maybe the pools were more our favorite. But only because of the swim up bar.

So now we are home. Back in Vancouver. Back to the grind. But I'm ok with it. I can only be away from civilization for so long before I go stir crazy. I had to check facebook 4 days into the trip just to make sure the world was still ok.

Sometimes getting back to reality is nice. But maybe thats only true when your reality is pretty damn sweet.

To view the million pictures from our Honeymoon click - Here.