Wednesday, May 31, 2006

i dont care if things are spelled wrong...cause i just dont care

ahhhhhhhhhhhh allergies

and im not even allergic to stuff (other then cat fur) but my eyes and nose and everything is going crazy...there must be something in the air that my nose doesnt like and its not fun at totally sick and gross and sick...

so my computer is being an asshat and ever since i got back from austalia it has been cracking the shits on me so i have decided to just deleate the hell out of it and re-install it all so that its nice and easy and works...but that means that i also have to re upload ever single cd i have again which is the largest bitch...but i guess its a small price to pay for a working i have to save everything i want to keep today and then my cousin is coming over to work his magic tomorrow so im not sure how long my computer will be down for so...if im not back asap you know where i am...

my cousin alicia from austalia is coming up here now in a few months so im super excited...i know i just saw her but now she is coming here to my country and its going to be k-i-c-k-a-s-s

notice how none of my posts have points anymore...thats cause i have nothing to say that is relevant...

im putting no effort into anything

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

asshat asshat asshat

a hoy hoy

my new favorite word is ass hat...but i dont know if its asshat or ass hat...none the less i have spent the entire day calling everything an asshat...its quite enjoyable...

i have rediscovered the joys of having a 5 disc cd player...theres one in the living room and with the majority of the house hold usually gone during the day it allows me to pop in 5 of my favorite and random it up...i friggin love it...

yesterday as we drafted matt made me watch jerry springer and it was hella painful... 'pimps, hoes, and larry' was the title...and everyone on there was definitly an asshat...some guy was pimping out his sister and the sisters husband was all pissed off at him...the pimp was named larry...

i painted a picture today but during the process i realized that half the paint i bought is really the shits and so the picture didnt turn out as colourful as i had hoped...

if someone tells you you should marry him over msn does that even count??? i didnt think so

Monday, May 29, 2006

down in the badlands she was savin' the best for last

i know its kinda early...but i went to bed early last night and just slept right through and it was so nice to sleep...even tho i am still tired and would have stayed in bed longer i cant...cause matts going to be here soon and im still in my pjs...we are going to draft myself a coat *excited*

anyways...there are other things to be excited about...i got a birthday card in the mail from colin and he sent me really cool buttons which i will wear was super snazzy and sweet of him!!!

i also got my chili peppers box set in the mail and even though it cost just as much as the tickets to the concert it was so worth it cause when i opened it up i was like WHOA stuff came in this great big box with the 2 cds and dvd, a booklet, a bag of marbles, a top, what looked like a book of matches but was a book of little papers, and a hand written note from each chili was way cool and way spacy...

i freakin love the red hot chili peppers and the concert in the fall is going to be super coolio!!!

YAY for things coming in the mail!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

its to friggin early or late

i found this picture on post secret and even though there are many danielles out just kinda stuck with me...

its 3 in the morning and i cant stomach hurts and i went out tonight and am having one of those nights where every time i close my eye i like renact the evening and so i dont know if i am actually asleep or away...i hate those kinds of here i am

im listing to matt good...which is different for me cause i gave him up a while ago just cause everytime i listened to him it reminded me of stuff i didnt want to be reminded of...but tonight its ok to be reminded of it...cause it doesnt matter any more...holla matt good

i wish i was able to sleep

Friday, May 26, 2006

bugs come here to die

well i have never seen so many dead bugs and gross things in my life...that shed was frightening...and the thing its not your typical gross backyard shed that you might be thinking looking like another room of the house just not attached...needless to say it was by far the biggest bug cemetery i had ever seen...

the first order of business was to clear out all the chairs and books and boxes that had been stored in there for god knows how long...but the bugs everywhere were just crazy...once everything was out i dont know how many times we had to sweep and vacuum and wash was a lot of work...

and then when we went to hose everything down the water just sat there and didnt move until it accumulated in the corner of the shed and eventually it all drain somehow...we figure theres got to be some major crackage going on in the corner if all the water was able to drain from there...thats prob. were all the bugs come from so we are going to have to cock that or something....haha cocking...but anyways...

we spent the whole day cleaning it and it was all wet so we never got a chance to paint...thats going to have to be the next step after the cocking...but i think we need to buy paint for the walls and stuff too...matt says everythings going to be painted glossy white except for one wall which will be black - can you tell he is into minimalisum? - but its going to look so good...i love these big summer projects that involve renovation and re decorating...maybe i should h
ave gotten into that and not fashion...oh well...
so the status on the shed is that its clean - relatively - and its all gotta dry until we cock and paint it!!! lets hopw we get that done next week...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

death from above....1985

omg yesterday i was so sick it wasnt even was like the death of all deaths stomach was killing badly that my legs went numb from the pain and i was tring to cry but everything hurt so much that i couldnt...i almost had to go to the hospital cause it wouldnt stop...damn you womens probelm *shakes fist* i probably should go the doctors to check it out because i may have ovarian cysts or something crazy ass painful like that...its hurt before but never as bad as yesterday...

anyways today i am way better thank still hurts but its managable...and i have to go to matts cause we are building a studio in this shed of his in the back yard so we are going to clear it out today and buy some furnature and make it ghetto cool so that i can spend every day in the summer sewing away in a sweet as studio...

i started to read peters book yesterday and omg its so good...i couldnt put it down last night but i was so tired and it was so late that i had to...but i am hoping to finish it today cause i want to know what happens...

and patz got his mail!!! damn you canada post for taking 500 years...

ok i have to go move and building and stuff

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

someone spare me from all the crazy people

i was on msn last night and some random guy added me and started to chat with me...

i hate when people do this...i like talking to people who i know through blogging or those who i meet in person and then give me their email addresses cause they are actually nice normal people...the people who find me through msn searches and stuff are always these crazy ass guys with too much time on their hands and can barely speak english or just want to talk to me cause th
ey think i am hot...

so this guy starts talking to me and every word he writes comes up as some stupid i can barely understand what he is saying plus there are 1000 blinking colourful things on the screen...

right away my 'this guy is crazy' siren goes off...the only people who talk on msn and have emoticons to replace actual words are kids and self respecting person includes 5 - 10 emoticons in every sentence of a normal conversation...

so i ask him his age...he says like ARE YOU KIDDING are 30 and spending your time on msn searching for people to talk to based on their appearence and you use emoticons in conversations...dear god

needless to say i blocked and deleated him asap...i just dont get people like that...every person who has ever added me to msn that i didnt previously know either through friends or blogs has been a nut bar...

bloggers are totally different from those who just find random people on msn to chat with cause they have no life...i just have to shake my head

what is this world coming to?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

matt has no hair you can tell

matt and i went to the airport last night since he lives 10 minutes away from it...we went and drove down this really long road to get this beach which is right beside the airport cause i hadn't been there since i was a kid and the last time matt and i went down there is was 10 at night and everything was pitch black...

but this time when we finally got down there the gate had just closed so we still didnt get a chance to go...and there was a cop following us because i guess he thought we were up to no good...that was weird

we went to the crazy asian 2 dollar store...and you go in there and think wow its so cheap...and then you get carried away and buy too much stuff cause you think its so cheap...and then you end up leaving and you have just spend 40 bucks...yea that was me yesterday

its partially sunny out so i think im going to go lay in the grass or something...cause sitting in a house all day sucks...or maybe i will steal my brothers bike cause mine sounds like death and no one has fixed it yet...

im trying to order thes pictures online for my mother of our vacation but she is driving me crazy cause she keeps adding pictures and writing down the wrong numbers for them...

matt has no hair you can tell

Saturday, May 20, 2006

i hate writing posts on this mac computer

i just wrote a whole post and it got deleated...damn you matt and your mac computer

im at matts house today...we went out and bought art spplies so i can be creative and make people home made birthday gifts...

im totally going to get motivated next week and be creative and sew and paint and be cool and not waste my time...if i have no job i might as well do something fun and creative...

matts watching some asia talk show...

i dont know what to paint tho...i bought some canvas and acrylic paint but now i just need some ispiration...i love painting trees for some reason...but i think i should try and paint something other then that...

at value village i found 3 cool records so i bought them...bruce cockburn, miami vice, and billy i am rockin...

matt doesnt believe in the olympics

omg and he cut his hair and its all short...i have to take a picture to show you all...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

we played pool

we spent way too many nights playing pool
but this is how its done...

yes damien...i filmed it...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

its like we're lookin down on waynes basement, only thats not waynes basement - Garth that was a haiku!

im bored
but not really
i dont feel like telling australian stories today
people piss me off
not australians tho
i went to the dentist yesterday and they killed my teeth
i got up at 6 30 today cause i couldnt sleep
i spent all morning cleaning my room
now i have nothing to do
but i dont want to go out
mother wants me to clean the basement
im not so fond of that
im going to watch the last dvd of back to the future
the second one is my least favorite
cause yea 2015 is really going to look like that
it just looks like a more crazy 1985
i need a job so that i can make money this summer
cause i dont want to have to work while i go to school this semester
my tan is fading
i should do something about that
im going to pretend im at the beach
or maybe i'll just go clean the basement of all my school crap
in a half fast way and all
i love when things are clean

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

kanga and roo

so as i was saying in my last post my cousins damien is a professional golfer and hes really good at it...hes playing the australia PGA Tour i believe which is pretty snazzy of him...

he said that if we wanted to see kangaroos out in the wild the best place to see them is the golf course...they hide in the bushes until dusk and then they come out and they are everywhere...and i mean everywhere...

so since my brother golfs and i like to drive golf carts he took us out for the day and we had beers and golfed and watched the kangaroos and tried not to hit them with golf balls...

so if you ever go to austalia dont go to a zoo...just go to a golf course...its so much better!!!

so click below and watch us golf with kangaroos...

Monday, May 15, 2006

what would we be without wishful thinking?

so i thought i would start off by introducing everyone
my cousin damien who i met before when he came here one summer...hes totally sweet and a professional also suppoed to tell you all that he is currently single so any girls who want him let me know!
all cousins - left to right is sara, catherine, we are at some fancy dinner thing with everyonecatherine, her boyfriend ricky and cousin josh
these are my girls amanda and alicia...i call them amander and alicer cause sometimes when they talk they pronounce 'A' as 'ER'
me and alicia
damiens younger brother matty who i also met a couple of years ago...he as well is clearly a stud!
me, jacky, steven and my birthday party jackys boyfriend wade grabbed the bouncers balls and asked for a they got kicked out...but it was frickin hilar because wade got dragged out...
amanda and alicia...amanada came to visit in the fall with her dad
me and luke at my birthday partykristian and elyse...we stayed at their house and met them 6 years ago when they came to vancouver for a month...

thats really not everyone but thats everyone for now...there are too many family pictures to flash everywhere so i just did the important they wanted me to put them on here so that they could be somewhat famous!

i totally miss then all and want to go back right now...they are the coolest cousins around!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

its mothers day (best blink 182 song ever)

so smelly is back in the V.and its actually good to be back even though i totally miss australia and all my cousins...

i have over 1200 pictures from the month over seas and im not sure if i will/should display them all or what...i have no idea how to blog about australia and hawaii cause its a lot of stuff and a lot of stories and pictures...

but now i have no job so i guess i will have lots of
time to organize everything and introduce you all to all my cousins in australia and maybe i will do a couple of photo essays since thats seems to be the easiest and all...

everything at home seems so foreign to room, my bed, everything...even though i was in italy for a month 3 years ago, when i came back stuff didnt seem this foreign...i missed everything a lot more when i was in italy compared to when i was in australia...

and for my birthday i dyed my head and i peirced my ear...its pretty snazzy i gotta go buy my mom a mothers day gift (im a little late yes i know!) and organize all my pictures so i can show my uncle&aunt tonight when i head over to their house...

Saturday, May 13, 2006 home

we got in at 5 this morning

i have to unpack 7 suit cases

im sooo tired

thanks for all the birthday wishes

hope everyone got their post cards

more to come

Sunday, May 07, 2006


smelly turns 21 in australia today

Monday, May 01, 2006

you're a mint orange tic tac dog

its 10.30 on monday night and i actually have 5 minutes of peace in which to update you all...we've been running around like mad everyday and never have time to just sit and relax for longer then an hour...

we are staying with some relatives (moms cousins) and they have two kids - Elyse and Kristian - who are younger then us but totally funny and enjoyable...we had met once before when they came to canada...they are in the picture with us above...

Kristian came up with some new vocab. - Mint = good, Orange Tic Tac = not bad, Dog = we say that everything is either mint, orange tic tac, or dog around here...

everyday basically consists of us visiting family...we have more family here then we do in italy and in canada...none on my dads side but a lot on my moms side...bother her moms and fathers its like a family galore trip...

i guess its good us meeting all these people who are related to yoou but my god is it tiring...all i want to do is sleep...

i have taken lots of photos but they are mostly family pictures ...we have done some sight seeing but not tons since the majority of what we see is food at the dinner table...when i have a chance i will go through my pictures and put them up and write stories but really the last thing i want to do is blog...and i am on vaction after all...

we are leaving on wednesday for a mini road trip so i will have a lot of scene pictures from that and good stories to write up hopefully friday morning...but dont count on it...

so what are all yous up to since i have no time to read blogs???