so it was a tossed salad hockey evening...

i went full on domestic and made spinach and artichoke dip which was fab, plus nachos, and cookies...and
joey brought random meats and pickled eggs (cause hes a red neck)...there was so much food and no way we could finish it was the most unhealthy meal ever...

the game was pretty intense with
chad and pat yelling at the tv every five minutes while making fun of cliff ronning and kirk mclean during the breaks...

i was totally sick and my head felt like it was going to explode...but i was still a good sport...i just had to go and steal chads drugs after the 2nd period...this is me somewhat passed out on the floor in a cornor...

pat tried to get chad to eat pickles eggs but that was a no go...i was going to but after beer and greasy food + a cold i was pretty much done for the evening...

here are the boys discussing the game and whos going to win...i think it was 1 - 1 at this point...every so often they would remember that i was there dead on the cornor of the couch and check in to make sure i was ok...

i eventually moved to the floor and started feeling better...i wore my brothers jersey from the 94 stanley cup finals...he was 6 so the jeresy was pretty tiny...but of course fit me...

i also found socks to match so i knew i had to wear them...i tend to go all out when it invloves getting dressed for a sporting event...just look at me during the world cup!

ahhh here we are victorious...chad was laughing at pat so pat told him to "talk to the hand 'cause the face aint listenin" felt pretty good winning...

after the game we got a little hyper...chad found my canucks flag and got a little excited...i have no idea what patz is doing here or why he is lunging for chads crotch...

he started to wear my glasses cause he knows how cool he looks in them because i obviously look cool in them...i think he wants to be like me...

this is my attempt at being a man and a fan at the same hair is kinda large...
chad then found his flag as well and went into crazy flag waving every 5 seconds was actually very dangerous...almost took my eye out...
apparenlty both the canucks and the oilers have mentally handicapped individuals that help out with the team and they did some special on the canucks guy while we watched the payper chad and patz got into this big discussion over whos 'mentally handicapped individual' was more handicapped - very politically correct of them - so chad decided to put on his mentally handicapped face and did a flag dance...
the night was pretty sweet...we won which was even sweeter...patz got to be emo instead of chad...tonight they play again...but patz has we will txt message him every 5 minutes during the game to rub in his face how we are winning again!!! "how you doing??? - i can see you in the mirrors"