so everybody and their mothers seem to be getting tagged i figured its time i give back to society and fill one of these bad boys out... are the pictures from my car adventure yesterday...
Numbero UNO
if chad and i are apart for more then 1 day we spend the first half of the next time we see each other fighting...but not real fighting...its more like 95% for show and 5% for reals...we will pick on random stupid things and just explode at each other for fun...this will carry on until we both admit that we missed each other...
so...tonight...since i havent seen him since tuesday...there will be a war for a good 2 hours...

Numbero DUE
I, like Jen, have a crazy memory...i will tell stories and stuff that i remember from when i was a kid and no one can believe that i actually remember that happening...
i remember my brother punching me in the stomach when i was 5...i remember what i was thinking when i broke my leg...i remember what chad was wearing to every event we've gone to...

Number TRE
when i was about 7 or so the dentist told my mom that i had speech problems due to the length of my tongue and apparently couldnt pronounce worlds properly...
therefore i had have surgery done to lengthen my tongue...
my brother ended up having the same procedure done at the same time...and was perfectly fine within 2 days...
on the way out from the dentist office i fainted on the side walk and was sick for a week...i was so paranoid to move my tongue that i ate nothing but soup and popsicles for a week...
i never ended up noticing a difference...other then the fact that before i could never roll my r's...however the first time i was ever able to roll my r's was when i was in high school...probably 10 years after the tongue is still retardedly short...

the first job i ever got was actually working at that dentist office...i was hired to go there after work and file away the patient files from that day and to pull the ones for the next day...i worked in a little room behind the front desk...
eventually they wanted to train me to be a receptionist...god only knows why...they didnt ACTUALLY need a receptionist, nor was i comfortable doing the job...i was young and extremely shy...not to mention that their computer system was extremely complicated...
anyways there were rumors spreading that one of the four dentists that worked there didnt like me because i was too shy and not friendly enough with the patients...
so...the whore office manager...who got hired after i started decided to hire someone else to do my job and the receptionist job and then layed me off due to 'lack of work'...
well no shit you knob...SOMEONE ELSE IS FRIGGIN DONING MY JOB of course there is no work for was their polite way of letting me go without firing me...i am still very very bitter about it...i mean i hated the job but they totally screwed me over...
the receptionists felt bad for me cause they knew i got screwed over and they liked me...
i still go to that dentist so i still have to see them twice a year...sometimes it gets weird...

"everyday of my life i add another person to the list of people who piss me off"
I got my dad a shirt for his birthday one year that had that written on it...with a picture of Calvin...that statment is very true...for both my dad and i...we are very every way...
we both carry what is known as 'the rossi face" which makes people think we are always mad and also makes us very unapprachable...most of the time we dont even mean to make that face its just so natural it occurs...but when we are pissed off (about 85% of the time) you will know...
i guess that makes me seem like a bit of an ass...but not like that ALL the time...

Number SEI
ugh is this done yet?
ummm im suppose to be ordering buttons and working in the warehouse but instead i am waiting for people and eating mr. noodles and blogging this...
i am also dressed like a bum today due to the fact that im suppose to be in the warehouse...

Number SETTE
i use to kiss boys in the cardboard box castle in preschool...
Number OTTO
i always want to spell COOKies...COCKies...
what is wrong with me?!?!
anyways...thats got your 8 things about dont you all feel so much more informed???
im tagging Dario and Marlee for the sake of it i tag Chad in the pooper even tho he wont do it...