Thursday, November 29, 2007

i would be the cutest elf ever

tuesday night my mom made dinner for pat because he is mother-less here in vancouver so my mom likes to make him food and bake him cookies...and chad came along too cause, well, i guess he has to...pat loves to hear my dad say random stuff like 'even assholes die'...the dinner conversation is always very interesting...pat laughs so hard he cries...

after dinner Dario and Marlee came over to watch the game...

pat is a very, very confused fan...

dad roasted some chestnuts on the BBQ...we italians call them Castagne...i think they are gross...i did not eat them...which is blasphemy...

i still cant believe we won 4 - 0

pat and i sat romantically on the 'love seat'

hes all red now...aww are you embarrassed???

this is my psycho dog Benji...he is freaked out b/c dad was using the BBQ...yea...dont ask...

thems the nuts

el said i better not put this on my blog...woops..


darios pile

chad demonstrates

then he looses an arm??

this is me feeling like i got run over by a mac truck...YAY...

it was pretty retarded how long we had to wait in order to watch the game because some OTHER team was too busy making sure the ice was perfect for the shoot out that they lost...but i GUESS if it were the other way around i would have wanted to see my team in a shoot out before the channel cuts to another game...but still...the amount of times the zamboni had to go over the ice was just stupid...the guy must have been drunk...

tonight is yet another game which i am most excited for...i just gotta make this hour go by fast and then its time to be lazy and watch hockey...chads already gone home early to nap...lazy bum...

Oh and before you leave...PLEASE do me a favor and watch will NOT be disappointed!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

our love is an abyss

yea so they arent what everyone expected but that are freekin adorable and the fact that one of them is a Sasquatch just rules...i want them all in stuffed animal form please...Miga...Sumi...Quatchi...even the little marmot side kick...CUTEST EVER...hello Christmas gifts!!!

anyways...a bunch of us got together at my house last night to watch the game and eat castagne...other wise known as chestnuts...and i took a bunch of pictures on my moms camera cause mine was dead and was going to upload all the pictures this morning but then realized i didnt have the right cord to do so, so i gotta do that all tonight...

chads off in some big meeting with important people all morning so im kinda bored right now and not really into making these delightful fabric tags...

its raining/snowing everywhere i just kinda wish it was snowing here so it would look so pretty outside my window and i could excuse myself and go home early and not sit here and stare off into space...there is only so much time you can spend on facebook without wanting to poke your eyes out...

that stupid old yellow car is still parked outside of my window...the damn city has not come to pick it up yet which is very annoying because it screws up the parking system for the whole block...sometimes when i get to work the whole block is all full of cars but the stupid thing is they all park with about 5 feet between them so its not enough to park your car and only allows 5 cars to park in a 10 car drives me up the wall...or when a car just parks in the middle of the block instead of driving up and parking behind the next one in line throwing the whole block out of drives me INSANE...

yes these are the stupid things i think and fester about during the day...i have become one of those people...

chad and i had 15 minute argument the other night over whether an abyss was a pit of fog (says me) or a dark cave (says him) you can see wikipedia says PIT but it also says something about the ocean floor...which i believe chad also mentioned but i chose to ignore...i didnt really think my definition was right but i fought it anyways...we always referr to our love as depressing black holes of dispear...or pits of fog...or abyss'...i dont really know why...

ha we's crazy...

i hope he comes online soon...

Monday, November 26, 2007

poo molecules

dad putting up christmas lights in his wicked work toque...he is standing on the bit of roof that is outside my bedroom window...

this is my amazing winter toque/scarf that i got in australia...i wore it shopping last week and chad said that everyone was staring at me...its only because they are jealous and want such a hot toque...

it is suppose to snow today...A WHOLE 2 CM!!!
so i will keep you posted with the weather information for today...
its 11:00 and currently where i am it has not started...
but the sky is very dark...which i dont think its suppose to be for snow...

Alicia and i dont want to work today so we've been on Urban Outfitters website picking stuff out for me to tell Chad to get me for Christmas cause i dont know what i far i have a blue pashmina style scarf and a red lumber jack hoodie...i think i might get him a book on poo...ha...i should go down there this weekend and check out what they have in store...

this weekend we finished all the tiling and grouting in the apartment...all the bits that we were waiting for tiles to come in and small bits waiting to be touched up...NOW IT IS ALL DONE...and i am ecstatic...i hate grout...tonight i will seal it all and it will be so glad we are finished that...

ok i should work...currently NO SNOW...i hope we only get a little tho cause if we get lots i wont be able to drive up the giant hill between my house and chads...and that would just suck...

***1:30 - its raining here...but we are at a low elevation...which means its snowing somewhere!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

itsa me...mario!

so everybody and their mothers seem to be getting tagged i figured its time i give back to society and fill one of these bad boys out... are the pictures from my car adventure yesterday...

Numbero UNO
if chad and i are apart for more then 1 day we spend the first half of the next time we see each other fighting...but not real fighting...its more like 95% for show and 5% for reals...we will pick on random stupid things and just explode at each other for fun...this will carry on until we both admit that we missed each other...
so...tonight...since i havent seen him since tuesday...there will be a war for a good 2 hours...

Numbero DUE
I, like Jen, have a crazy memory...i will tell stories and stuff that i remember from when i was a kid and no one can believe that i actually remember that happening...
i remember my brother punching me in the stomach when i was 5...i remember what i was thinking when i broke my leg...i remember what chad was wearing to every event we've gone to...

Number TRE
when i was about 7 or so the dentist told my mom that i had speech problems due to the length of my tongue and apparently couldnt pronounce worlds properly...
therefore i had have surgery done to lengthen my tongue...
my brother ended up having the same procedure done at the same time...and was perfectly fine within 2 days...
on the way out from the dentist office i fainted on the side walk and was sick for a week...i was so paranoid to move my tongue that i ate nothing but soup and popsicles for a week...
i never ended up noticing a difference...other then the fact that before i could never roll my r's...however the first time i was ever able to roll my r's was when i was in high school...probably 10 years after the tongue is still retardedly short...

the first job i ever got was actually working at that dentist office...i was hired to go there after work and file away the patient files from that day and to pull the ones for the next day...i worked in a little room behind the front desk...
eventually they wanted to train me to be a receptionist...god only knows why...they didnt ACTUALLY need a receptionist, nor was i comfortable doing the job...i was young and extremely shy...not to mention that their computer system was extremely complicated...
anyways there were rumors spreading that one of the four dentists that worked there didnt like me because i was too shy and not friendly enough with the patients...
so...the whore office manager...who got hired after i started decided to hire someone else to do my job and the receptionist job and then layed me off due to 'lack of work'...
well no shit you knob...SOMEONE ELSE IS FRIGGIN DONING MY JOB of course there is no work for was their polite way of letting me go without firing me...i am still very very bitter about it...i mean i hated the job but they totally screwed me over...
the receptionists felt bad for me cause they knew i got screwed over and they liked me...
i still go to that dentist so i still have to see them twice a year...sometimes it gets weird...

"everyday of my life i add another person to the list of people who piss me off"
I got my dad a shirt for his birthday one year that had that written on it...with a picture of Calvin...that statment is very true...for both my dad and i...we are very every way...
we both carry what is known as 'the rossi face" which makes people think we are always mad and also makes us very unapprachable...most of the time we dont even mean to make that face its just so natural it occurs...but when we are pissed off (about 85% of the time) you will know...
i guess that makes me seem like a bit of an ass...but not like that ALL the time...

Number SEI
ugh is this done yet?
ummm im suppose to be ordering buttons and working in the warehouse but instead i am waiting for people and eating mr. noodles and blogging this...
i am also dressed like a bum today due to the fact that im suppose to be in the warehouse...

Number SETTE
i use to kiss boys in the cardboard box castle in preschool...
floosy much?

Number OTTO

i always want to spell COOKies...COCKies...
what is wrong with me?!?!
anyways...thats got your 8 things about dont you all feel so much more informed???
im tagging Dario and Marlee for the sake of it i tag Chad in the pooper even tho he wont do it...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

crisp fall/winter mornings are my favorite

this morning was beautiful...i love when there is a layer of frost over everything because it reminds me of snow and how much a absolutely love snow and all things associated with it...other then being stuck and not being able to go anywhere...

there was one bad part and that was driving to work...b/c down hill + black ice + mother freakin round'bout = death trap...but thankfully the breaks decided to work at the last minute so i only slightly bumped the curve...i swear...

anyways...there is this deathly old yellow car that has been sitting outside my window at work for 2 weeks and hasnt moved...the insurance expired in september and there are old strike signs in the back...the city is finally coming to remove it today...i hope im here when that will provide a source of amusement for me since my other source of amusement now actually has a job where he works and can no longer chat to me 9 hours a day...

in the spirit of being self amusing i am going fabric shopping tonight to buy some stuff to make giant pillows that i will use as seating on nice laminate flooring...i will put great amounts of effort into this so as to not spend another night going to bed at 10 cause im bored but not tired enough to fall will be fabulous...

on another positive note my hair is amazing today and i didnt even straighten it...

take that lack of being amused...

i am now going on a car adventure by myself...