i like your...golf...balls...
about a week ago i was driving home one night from chads place...it was late and super dark/half raining and there was this guy standing on the other side of the street right beside the street lamp so that he was in the shadow of the light and i couldnt really see him...
as i drove past i noticed that he had something in his hand...long and shinny...but i kept driving...until all of a sudden i started driving over something...i looked ahead and the street was covered in golf balls...golf balls...and im not talking like 1 or 2....im talking like 10-20...
i realized that what he had in his hand was a golf club hence the golf balls all over the street...but SERIOUSLY...who shoots golf balls in the middle of the street IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!
ok whatever...thats weird and highly dangerous but he didnt hit me so the end...
then last night...same thing...driving up the same street...all of a sudden my car starts making noises and drives over something...
MORE GOLF BALLS...i was like 'are you serious?!?'
this is retarded...to happen once...ok fine thats really weird but people are messed so i wouldnt think twice about it...but to happen to me more then once...theres something wrong here...
i kept driving but happened to look in my rearview mirror and noticed that the guy was there again and there was a truck parked across the street from him...and this guy...was GOLFING INTO THE TRUCK...
i guess he was mad at this truck...or the owner of the truck or something...and to take out his agression he decided to shoot golf balls at it during portions of the evening when i guess he thought there wouldnt be many cars/people out to witness this...
there is something clearly wrong with this picture...but it makes me worry that one day im going to drive by and this mental head is going to shoot golfballs at me...
some people...i just dont get it...what is this the ghetto?!?!