Tuesday, July 31, 2007

danielles brain exploding into a thousand pieces

so you want the 411 on the last two weeks...why my life has become ridiculous...well here it is...

work...oh dear wonderful work...

so our production manager left...and when she did she left everything in a mess...and no one knew what was going on...and me being her assistant was the closest connection anyone had to being informed about production...

so many issue and problems and disasters have come up in the last two weeks...which 3 of us have had to try and solve on our own with out knowing much of what is going on...and none of the work which i was originally doing has been done yet because im trying to solve all these other issues...plus i am now responsible for procedures i was never trained to do...

the owner tells me im being baptized with fire...my first time on the scene and im doing a million different things i dont actually know how to do...throw me off the cliff into the lake and see if i can swim...the past two weeks have definitely been a test as to whether or not i can do this job...or if i even like this job...

its almost inevitable that i come home in a bad mood everyday now...chad tells me to leave work at work but some days its so hard...i cant help but feel responsible for this company...like its a part of me and if i fail it im failing myself...im not a stranger to 10 hour days all of a sudden...i come in early...i stay late...even if im not paid to do so...cause for me...its not a matter of money...its a matter of getting the job done...of proving to people i will get it done...no matter what i have to do...even if its sacrificing my lunch or driving to 5 different contractors or staying late to do a cut order...

but now there is this pressure to get home early...to rush like mad...to stuff my face with food and then leave to participate in renovations...work is my mental workout...the condo is my physical work out...and i dont know how much more i can do of both...

im burning out...

i love the renos...i wish that was my only focus...i love the experience of it and learning from it and being able to sit back one day and now i had a hand in this creation...but like with everything these days its taking its toll on me...

i can feel my body beginning to give way...lack of sleep and no relaxation...frustration and excitement...problems and dilemmas...its seriously making me go mental...

i havent totally fallen apart yet...and i dont know if i will or not...but i constantly feel like im on the verge...so many things at once...so much stress...and sometimes i just dont think people understand...they think that i am young and i should be able to handle all of this and should stop complaining and just be in a good mood and make everything sunshine and loolie pops...maybe it will take me sick as a dog from stress to make them understand...

i hate having to justify the way i feel...like i need an excuse cause im not all smiles all the time...

so there it is...the last two weeks in a nutshell...and it doesn't look like any of this is going to let up any time soon...

maybe im being over dramatic...but seriously i dont care...

im just tired...but i will keep going...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

you need a bigger pot to make pasta sauce

ok so heres the deal
chad is moving today and i have no time to post anything about the blogger meat up...ahahah MEAT...dear god...
but it was very fun and cool and all things good
ok now chads harassing me to help him so i better go
time to pack
and move
and die of tiredness


Thursday, July 26, 2007

gettin hitched on thurday at lunch

oh my lanta i have not blogged in SO LONG...that just shows how freakin busy i am when i cant even squeeze in 3 seconds to post some retarded pictures...


this blog has turned into ciavarro.com squared...but i guess thats what happens when your life is nothing but ciavarro.com in reality...anyways its time for a break! so heres some pictures of my adventure with matt on the weekend...a couple weekends ago...i think...i dunno its been too busy and ive lost track of days and weekends and all of that mumble jumble...

oh yea...so i got new glasses...cause my other 'matthew good'-esque glasses snapped in half some how...it was the most bizarre thing ever...and then it took forever for my new, much more stylish glasses to come in...and yes they are D&G just like his...now we are a matching couple...

typical pictures...matt and i always take the same series of pictures...just with different outfits....did i mention we are in fashion? im such a snob...

we went to some beach but it was way packed and matt was in an anti social mood...so we drove to another stop which he hoped was more secluded...

so here we are at the other beach...which despite the clouds and potential rain was just as packed full of people...

yes...people...take note of this...this is in style now...matt= fashion icon...he was just head hunted by two major fashion companies in vancouver...and now hes an assistant designer to one of them...so beware...he will take over this industry...

oh yea...then we went to the park...which was full of italians...cause it was some italian society picnic...there were lots of soccer jerseys...


i blogged...and its been a week...and work is a mess...and renovations are a mess...and i have no time for anything and ive been in a bad mood for a week...and its not fun...

but we has lunch with TONY yesterday and the big nerd blogger party is on friday night and it will be all good...


i should try and blog more...

i have such a back log...

constipated blog posts...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

whatever im still cooler

Chad: yes
how does the danger song go?
sing the lyrics
you're cute
me: teehee
Chad: you totally screwed up the lyrics
me: no i didnt
Chad: yes you did
aww i did
i always thought it was I WENT
Chad: you are a MORON!!! ahahahaha!
it's a highway to the danger zone you knob!
i didnt know
i never read the lyrics
Chad: you say you love lyrics
me: i do
i missed that one
Chad: stop trying to be 80s cool
I was there
I owned the tape
I read the back of it
it said Highway to the Danger Zone
I win
me: oh whatever
im cooler
i own the cd
Chad: hahahah!! noob
me: :l
Chad: cd's are for ignoramiouses
me: apparently so
are you going to blog about my stupidity now?
you loose
Chad: no
me: why not
Chad: I went to the danger zone and got THE RIGHT FUCKIN' LYRICS
me: !!!!
Chad: it was dangerous
me: im creative
Chad: but I got them
me: well im happy for you
Chad: I didn't even take the highway to get there
I just went
me: wow
did you fly?
Chad: nope. I just went.
like you said
I went
to the danger zone
I just went
no highway, nothin
me: wow
you are amazing
Chad: I know
me: i'll make sure to give you a medal or something for your achievement

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

a billion suns worth

work is too stressful so im giving you a brick wall overload of pictures that have already saturated the internet too much but whatever...


can you spell ulcer...

Monday, July 16, 2007


i have a mosquito bit on the top of my left foot that has caused it to become fully swollen and itch like a maaw fucka...

im currently being a big baby about it...

oh ma god...IT ITCHES

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Viva gli Sposi!

last night was my godparents (aka darios parents) 25th anniversary party...as you can imagine there was a large amount of italians and food...here are a few of the highlights...

dad and i are mostly the anit social ones of the bunch...we make up for my mothers over social-ness...she gets a little too excited...at least i look hot...these are our "Rossi Faces"...its a trademark...only people in our family make the face right...


OK WARNING - dead pig roasting pictures coming up...

ahhh my santolo (godfather) with a dead pig roasting over a pit...needless to
say all the men were drooling at the sight of meat and manliness...

dario cutting the pig - nice head shot - dario said he felt like such a man carving the pig...

aww famiglia sans my brother...but we got a bottle of wine in there so that pretty much makes it complete...who do i look more like? I hella say my dad but now more people say my mom...

HAHAHA omg best picture of dario ever...after stuffing his face full of pig...

aww arent we adorable! my mother bagged for a normal picture of us and not a 'stupid face blogger picture'...i think this is actually the only picture in history where we are both looking at the camera and have a decent smile...

chad makes friends easily...this is jim...he wants everyone to be an accountant...he got wasted last night...omg...hilar...

the 'children' all sat down for some booze...and by the end of the night we were the party...champagne in one hand...wine in the other...thats how you do it foos...

since chad is not a very italian name we renamed him last night to caesar which doesnt sound italian but you have to hear me say it with the proper accent...then it works... caesar ciavarro...now when we got to italy i will be able to introduce him appropriately...

my father was playing 'boss' last night...pulling a tony soprano...most of the conversations were based around discussing certain episodes and characters...obsession much!? i think we all are...

this is his paulie walnuts impression...you need to watch the sopranos more so you understand all the inside sopranos jokes around here...and just like in the sopranos...never call my dad T...unless you are consigliere...

my santola (godmother) boozing it up....WAIT A MINUTE...i've seen this before....


OH RIGHT...a week before her son took the exact same picture...

run in the family much???

Friday, July 13, 2007

for someone who never smiles...you sure have a lot of laugh lines

whoa...too many pictures in the last post...

chad, dario and i were talking the other day...sitting around the pool...relaxing after a day of work...about where we are in out lives compared to other people...

all these peeps from high school add me to facebook and whatnot...and i read their profiles and look at their pictures and they are all hanging out with the exact same people they did in high school and everyone is still best friends and they still think they are the coolest people ever...

it seems like no one has changed...everyone is still the same...in the same spot...just the same...

i know that i am nothing like i was in high school...thank god for that...

and sometimes i look at myself...and i look at what i have accomplished and i realize that ive done a lot so far...i never give myself credit for it cause i always think 'well of course i should be able to do that'...i always think im so tough...

i went to school...i got a degree...and a month later i got the exact position i was looking for with an amazing company...

i think that is a great accomplishment...

and now what is the next big adventure...renovations...my god...

im 22 and i am project manager in renovating an entire condo from top to bottom...what am i thinking!!!

i am substituting fun, parties, relaxation, and a tan for stress, frustration, long nights, hard work, and im sure there will be some fights in there some where...

but i guess thats the difference right there...while the rest of my friends are traveling the world and going off and having fun...i am sacrificing a little now to be ahead later...

either im crazy...or im smart...

right now im just loosing my mind...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Australia Invaded Canada

my cousin amanda and friend gemma were in vancouver for a few days...
here are the happenings...



the house lesbian wanted to get with me but then chad got jealous and proved to her that i was straight...

chads seen that prono before


wacking of the jew

me, robyn, amanda, gemma