All the work I did at the gym last week went to shit this weekend after consuming beers and poutine and pizza. But I must say it was well, well, worth it.
Saturday we spent the afternoon out in White Rock and Langley visiting and having lunch. It was such a nice day out and it was so nice to get out and visit. We had lunch with Chads mom and then headed over to one of his co-workers new house to check it out. It made me want a house, and even more so, a yard. Desperately yearning for a yard right now.
After all that we came home and hung out waiting for the crew to come over for dinner. We have actually mastered the communal dinner. I make a salad and usually potatoes or some other veggie and everyone brings there own meat that
Chad then BBQ's. It's perfect for those nights where we are all going out to the bar together and want to hang out before hand. It easier for me then having to make an entire meal and its easier then everyone making their own dinners by themselves.

We had a collection of meats this time around that included pork sausages, a hamburger, chicken breast, moose steaks, and beef tenderloin.

After dinner
Pat played Guitar Hero for the last time for the next 4 months, and
Dario &
Marlee argued over who could pour an inch and a half of Sambuca into a glass better. It was priceless.

Post that, we headed over to my house to park the cars and catch the bus to none other then The Cambie. Shocking I know. We went to the CAMBIE. Our home away from home.

Pat and Dario thought it would be fun to kick a metal square down the road almost hitting numerous cars along the way. When those two get together they are like two peas in a pod. They recite comedy shows together and sing together and play dibs together. It's the cutest thing ever. I'm sorry BUT IT IS!

He can't escape it.

Alright so then comes the point where we waited for what seemed like forever for the bus to come. We wanted to be down there by 9 but it was getting late and the bus wasn't arriving. So finally it does and we hop on. It's packed so we had to hang onto the poles near one of the doors. We all wanted to face each other so we stood in a circle causing Pat to stand directly in front of this guy who was trying to read the paper. Patz ass was in his face and this guy was ANNOYED. I think I was the only one who noticed it but didn't say anything thinking Pat would eventually feel something brush his ass and this would cause him to realized his ass was too close to this guy. No such thing happened.

We eventually reach the border between Burnaby & Vancouver where the bus drivers usually switch and so this new guy comes on. I swear to God he was on crack. All of a sudden he takes off and everyone goes flying. He is peddle to the metal the whole way there. All of us were actually scared for our lives. He was passing cars and cutting them off. He almost side swiped a car to the point where the car realized the bus was NOT slowing down and had to bust it in reverse. When we eventually got to our stop all we could smell was Chad starting off a night of farting and his breaks burnt to a crisp, not to mention the burnt rubber. This guy was INSANE. I was so thankful to get off at that point.

So we headed down to our hot spot where Chad walked in no problem and Ryan got ID'd. Found ourselves a table and started off the night of Patz going away party.

Dario & Pat were throwing quarters down Marlees shirt.

I brused Chads nose. You can't tell tho.

Colin bangin' pennys into the table.

At some point during the night Neil and I decided that we were going to get married and I was going to dump Chad. We spent the remainder of the evening trying to make him jealous.

Story Time: Ok so when you are with someone that you spend a significant portion of time with you tend to recognize different things about them. The sound of their feet, the smell of their clothes, and yes, the smell of their farts. This became the topic of conversation when we were in the bus because I know when Chad farts. It's like my sixth sense. It's gross but it is true.
Well it just so happened that Chads colon was hating us all that night and caused Chad to fart many MANY times that night. So bad that we actually had to CLEAR the table because it stank. It was the WORST I have ever experienced.

Colin & Neil showed up right after we did. Raul stopped by to say Hello and Marlee ran into some friends from back home who stayed to hang out with us as well. I also spotted Laura from fashion school and Marcus, Matts younger brother. It was a night of familiar faces.
The rest of my pictures are HERE.
PatZ pictures are HERE.
Rauls pictures are HERE.
We left to go catch the bus and Dario and I sang old Italian songs like we usually do. We met some guy at the bus stop who goes around to all the clubs and takes pictures for them. He was really cool and we were acting like ass hats so he was entertained.
When we got on the bus Dario & Chad proceeded to sit next to a tranny. Chads plan was to talk to her but she got off the bus before he had the chance. Instead he entertained everyone at the front of the bus with his wacky toes.
Halfway home the bus stops at a bus stop (shocking I know) and Dario (who was not looking good by this point) gets up and walks off the bus. We all look at each other and Marlee races off to follow him. The bus takes off and Dario doesn't get back on. We are all stunned. WTF. Turned out that Mr. Sumbuca was feeling a little motion sickness from the bus and had to get off. I'm sure looking at the Tranny didn't help either.
Sunday was a lazy day. I vegged on the couch all afternoon and then Chad came over for pizza. I feel fat just thinking about eating all that pizza. Chad watched hockey and I passed out on the couch. Then we watched an already started Jerry Maguire on tv.
I need to do something active tonight to make up for all the crap from the weekend.