Friday, November 28, 2008

There was never a mob story written about The Altos.

I'm wearing my long plaid winter jacket. I haven't worn it yet this season because I left it at the parentals and didn't get it back until last night. Its so much more cozier then the one I bought from work.

Chad went and got his hair cut the other day, but the lady who cut it left the front too long and it looked kind of goofy. Once I pointed that out he got all self conscious about it and bagged me to fix it. I used scissors not a razor though the experience DID make me think of Alicia and her little miss happ. Haha awww.

The colour of the evening
Chad at Home

Ok story time...

After being lovingly harassed by certain members of my family to join the choir at my uncle church I finally gave in and went to their practice last night. I actually really wanted to join their choir from the beginning but the new season started up right after we got married and I knew I couldn't dedicate every Thursday night to Choir practice when I was still trying to organize myself and get a handle on all this 'house wife' stuff.

They have an absolutely beautiful choir and ended up making an announcement last week that they would be practicing song for Christmas mass so anyone who wanted to join in preparation for Christmas could do so. Its only 4 Thursday so I figured I could dedicate myself to that at the least.

Now in not knowing anything about this choir I headed down their last night waiting to see what it was all about. They asked me what range I sang in and I said Alto.

I was in an Italian choir for many many years and always sung Soprano because that's where all the girls - my friends - sang. The Altos were just a bunch of old Italian ladies. I was never really good at singing Soprano. I mean I trained myself for many years to do so but what I was really good at was singing at a lower octave. Finally when there was a conductor change in our choir I took the opportunity to move from a Soprano to an Alto. This meant re-learning all the songs I had sung for a million years. The Sopranos sing the melody and the Altos sing the harmony so it is very easy to get lost in what you are singing and end up joining in the melody which you are not suppose to do. This also meant that I could not longer sit with my friends but now had to sit with all the old Italian ladies.

I found it easiest if I situated myself beside a really strong Alto who knew the part like no tomorrow, then I could ignore what the Sopranos were singing and follow her. It slowly got easier over time, but it took a lot of time.

Last night as a warm up we sang a Christmas song everyone knew. So there I was sitting with the altos about to sing the melody when they all bust out in harmony. It was at that point I knew I was in over my head. Here I was thinking that there would be a bunch of old faces and new faces and we would be starting fresh when instead it was basically all regulars, like 3 new people and everyone already knew the songs, knew the parts, knew everything!

I started to panic. How am I suppose to learn the words and harmony to like 10 songs in four weeks not to mention the 2 songs in Latin with 3 more 1 hour choir pratices left??? This is going to be a challenge. I know it doesn't sound like much, and if I were singing Soprano then I really wouldn't worry about it but this is totally different. Not to mention I don't even get to sit with my Aunt because she is a Soprano and not an Alto. Ha.

What have I gotten myself into?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I love you cause your deuces are wild. And I am not referring to bowl movements.

Neck Line

I put some yogurt in a container this morning and added some granola to it. Then I forgot about it. Now the granola is soggy. I'm eating it anyways. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I feel defeated by work today therefore I am being lazy. They say they aren't being petty but I can see right through it. I mean really, your going to be like this after I maned up and volunteered to pick up a giant pile of dog crap outside your front door because no one else would? Well, if you are going to be this way I guess I can too. I can't wait to see the reactions on their face when I say 'Oh yea, by the way, I'm going to Italy for a month...see you!'. Although I probably won't have to have that conversation with them for another 6 months.

Changes are going on in the office, though I have been told my job is secure. I'm not too worried about it. They will always need someone to order their zippers. The vibe in here is weird though. People don't know how to communicate. I emailed someone to confirm something and instead of them discussing it with me back they discussed it with Claudia and told her to tell me. Yes, because that makes a lot of sense. Now two other people have come up to me to talk to me about this thing instead of the original person. I just have to shake my head at the whole thing.

I've been spending the day reading old posts. That can be a scary thing so I only read posts during the years when Chad existed. I know those posts are safe. Sometimes when I read them I make myself laugh and then Chad makes fun of me for laughing at myself. I'm clearly my number 1 fan. My mom tells me, however, that I have a lot of spelling mistakes in my posts. I apologize profusely.

If I were to read this post out to you right now it would be done in a very depressing and monotone voice.

My favorite colour is Grey.

I gave Chad The Gum Thief to read. Its one of my favorite books. He says when he read it he laughed because the book is exactly like me. He understands why I like it. Its weird and depressing. Ha.

I love you Bethany. I love you Roger.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I've got leftovers agian.


I've felt off all this week. It must be a combination of not getting enough sleep on the weekend and feeling sick-ish. I'm not sick enough to warrent staying home from work but I am sick enough that my head gets all fuzzy and I can't concentrate. Yesterday was almost a complete write off. I could barely function in the morning and got very little done. Today, however, I do feel better but still off. I dunno whats up with that. Maybe one of my 20 Doctors appointments next week can figure it out.

The evenings this week have turned out to be insane. Every night this week we have to quickly eat dinner and then rush off somewhere else. Chad is trying to get my Nonnas computer fixed but its beginning to be a huge thorn in my side. He perferrs that I accompany him when he goes there to fix it as sometimes my Nonna has trouble with her English and I help translate. I totally understand why he likes me there it just means that all my plans this week have been postponed because I have to go to my Nonnas every night to try and fix the computer. I'm just getting a bit frustrated with all of it.

Whenever I fax off a PO to one of our Vendors I always sign the bottom D Ciavarro. I never write my full name cause its way to damn long. Anyways, everyone who I deal with knows my name is Danielle. A bunch of them got confused when I started signing Ciavarro instead of Rossi and wouldn't send me my packages until I explained that I was the same person I just changed my last name. Yesterday I recieved a package to the attention of Davarro. Yes, because thats exactly what my name is. I'm assuming someone who doesn't know me sent me the package and attempted to make out my signature.

I made Pesto sauce from scratch last night. The best damn pesto sauce ever. But maybe thats because there was 300 lbs of garlic and cheese in it. You put garlic and cheese on anything and I will eat it. Chad even complimented me on how much better it turned out then the last time I made it. Go Me!

B tagged me so here are the 6 things that make me happy...

  1. Waking up to the sun.
  2. A glass of red wine and a plate of pasta.
  3. Stuffed Animals
  4. Puppies
  5. Snuggling with Mr. C.

I tag...

  1. Alicia
  2. Marlee
  3. Melissa
  4. Krista
  5. Adelaide

I now get to sit here next to the print that is printing out 500 gift certificates and choke on used toner fumes. God help us all.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Quan Tastic

My weekend was long and busy and I feel like dictating everything that happened to me for your enjoyment. I'm predicting a rather long post so I am going to warn you. But at the same time if you loved me you would read it anyways because you find my life so unbelievably entertaining...

My Nonna somehow got this huge debilitating virus on her computer that was screwing everything, so Chad being the computer genius and her newest Grandson decided to try and take a look at it. His first attempt was on Thursday which failed. His next attempt was Friday night which was a bust and waste of 3 hours. We didn't get home until 10. LAMO. So now hes got to go back tomorrow night and try again.

We got up early on Saturday morning and I drove Mr. Ciavarro to the airport so he could fly off to Calgary. On my way home I debate going to get my blood tested because I was worried it would be super busy and I would end up wasting the day waiting there. In the end I didn't really want to miss work so I headed over there. I was warned that it was super busy but when I got there the majority of the seats were taken up by peoples spouses so in reality it was half full and took me a total of 30 minutes to get in and out. I was so happy.

I hadn't eaten yet so I headed over to the Metrotown food court and picked up some Starbucks. Winter/Christmas is my favorite Starbucks season and I'm not sure why. I will ignore it for 9 months of the year and then Winter comes and all I can think of is Peppermint everything. I ended up getting a Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha which was amazing and their ever so delicious Chocolate Croissant.

The mall had just opened so there was barely anyone there. They were playing Christmas music and it was the nicest feeling in the world. Walking around with yumminess in hand in a not so busy mall with Christmas all around me. It was quite poetic.

I headed over to Home Outfitters and bought a few things for the house and my Dads Christmas gift. It was super heavy so I went and dropped it off in the car. Then I headed back in, in search of Mr. Ciavarros Christmas gift, and ended up finding everything I was looking for. It was one of those days where you are in the perfect shopping mood and everything works out for you. It was glorious. I picked up everything I wanted to get it and I even found something super cute by fluke. I can't wait for him to see it!

I went into Winners/Home Sense and ended up finding the cutest Christmas Cards and Wrapping paper all on sale. I was so excited! It was making me totally fall in love with Christmas.

After that I headed home and was on a shopping / coffee high. I was so hyper I decided to wrap all of Chads gifts and figure out how much I spent on him. Then I ordered some stuff online and was going mental with excitement. It was super early in the day too which got me even more excited because I knew I could get a million things done.

I quickly had a shower and then went on a cleaning spree. I think I've mentioned it before that when I go on a cleaning spree and no ones home I always turn the TV on so I have some sort of companionship. The only problem is Mrs. Procrastinator over here takes a million breaks while cleaning to watch whats on the TV and then I never get anything done. I wanted to avoid that this time so I grabbed a bunch of my favorite CDs and put them on. I was giddy and hyper and cleaning and singing. You should have seen it.

So I cleaned every nook and cranny of the entire place. It looked beautiful. I even cleaned out the Vacuum which was full of my 12 feet of hair. That was a little bit of a disaster.

I had two hours before I had to leave for Alicias Birthday party so I decided that I would re paint all the doors. HA. I know. So I went down to the storage locker and found the paint. 2 cans of wall paint, one Venetian Plaster, and one white. I grabbed the white with out looking at it, mixed it all up and proceeded to paint. I was finished in record time and then got ready for the party. Got dress, Marlee came over and we left. Everything I wanted to get done was acomplished.

Mirror Shot

Headed over to Adams for some pizza and drinks. It was so cute to see them together I wanted to cry. I know I'm a girl but you have to see them interact to understand. It is the cutest thing ever and you just know they are meant to be together.


Alicia ordered this pizza with potatoes on it which looked weird but tasted amazing! I can't wait to have it again.

Potato Pizza

After spending a few hours there chatting and drinking we headed out to catch the skytrain and head downtown. I ended up running into people I knew and was in the chattiest mood ever. It was very unlike me.

At Adams

The club was a little dead up it didn't matter because we had so much fun with all of Alicia's friends, chatting and drinking and hanging out. There must have been about 50 of us all together.

When we first got there these two guys came up to us and started talking. One was super short and bald and the other one was tall with a long pony tail. They decided that their way to 'pick us up' would be to analyse us and then tell us what they think. It was friggin hilar. The bald guy did all the talking and this is what he said about me. I dress very simply but fashionable and the only thing that wasn't simple about me was the huge diamond I had on my hand (which he referred to a million times). He said that I looked very sure of myself but when I stand I tend to stretch out parts of my body which he think I do in order to get attention. I have no idea what he was talking about. Then, just before we got interrupted he said that I was beautiful but wear too much make up which either means I am trying to be fashionable or I am hiding my insecurities. This I laughed at because the only make up I wear is eye make up and while it was dark that night I was going out to a club which usually goes hand in hand with darker eye make up. I was so friggin amused by this guy that I actually wished I could have talked to him longer just to see what crazy stuff he would come up with next.


Over all the night was a lot of fun. It was weird not having Chad there and everyone kept asking me where he was. I've met a hand full of Alicia's friends before but none of them have ever met Chad, and since we are Alicia's only married friends we are like a novelty. Alicia was 'slightly' intoxicated but she looked like she was having a blast. It was such a fun time I actually didn't want to go home.

Girlies <3
My Twin
Loving her flowers

By the time I did it was after 2 and I headed straight to bed. I kept having dreams that I was still at the party so I could sleep at all. The I woke up at 6.30 with horrible stomach pains. Not like I wanted to puke because I was so wasted but almost like gas pains. Weird and gross I know. Anyways I think I got a total of 5 hours sleep before having to get up at 9 to start my day.

I was feeling a little under the weather on Saturday so that added with the few drinks I had that night meant I felt horrible on Sunday. All I wanted to do was sleep and take a nap but I had to run around the whole day and I hadn't eaten anything proper and I was disaster. I went to go give blood with Marlee but I am now banned from doing so for a year because I went to Playa del Carmen and apparently that means I am at risk for contracting and spreading Malaria. Great!

I picked up Chad from the airport last night and we went home to watch Tropic Thunder which I actually really enjoyed. I mean Robert Downey Jr. playing and Australian who was playing Black Dude, I could not stop laughing. By the time the movie was over it was 10pm and I was done for. The second my head hit the pillow I was out like light.

Such a busy fun weekend. If only Mr. Ciavarro was there to enjoy it with me.

I can't believe how long this post is, especially since I left out like 5 stories. Oh well.

Alicias 22nd Birthday.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Let me show you my neck


I wore my hair down today.

My usual routine is to have a shower in the evening and then either let my hair dry naturally, or if I'm proactive and not lazy I blow dry it a bit. As a result most Mornings my hair is half wavy and all over the place. This means I either wear it pinned back or in a pony tail. Today, however, it only looks better down.

Oilers Fan?

It was pointed out to me a few weeks ago that I have a rather large lump on my throat. I honestly never realized it before so I didn't know if it was suppose to be there or not. I was convinced that it was just part of my throat or something until one morning I took a closer look. While it didn't hurt or bother me at all it did not look totally normal. We'll, it wasn't like I had this huge goiter sticking out of the side of my neck, but more like a really big Adams apple. It moves every time I swallow.

Realizing it probably shouldn't be there I pointed it out to Chads mom who is a nurse. She said it looked like I had an enlarged Thyroid Gland, which wasn't a serious thing, especially since I wasn't feeling sick or any of the symptoms associated with Thyroid issues, but she did stress I see a doctor about it.


I was feeling very nonchalant about the whole thing and really didn't want to have to miss more time from work to go to the doctors again since I had already been twice last month and had an appointment coming up on the first of December.

After both mothers continuously asked me if I had gotten it looked at yet I finally phoned the Doctor to see if I could make an appointment. The soonest they could get me in was Dec 22nd, which was a waste of time since I was already going Dec 1st and figured I would point it out then.


Yesterday my Mom accompanied my Nonna to the doctors office and after chit chatting a bit the subject came up that I had tried to make an appointment to get this lump checked out but there were no times available. He inquired what the lump looked like and when my Mom told him it was an enlarged Thyroid he immediately paged his Secretary and had her create an appointment for me today at 5.

I don't know if this speedy reaction is just him accommodating one of his patients or if he thinks there is something seriously wrong. I do come from a long line of lumpy people. The Rossi's and cysts go hand and hand. I have a handful on my body to prove it. Hopefully everything turns out alright, especially since I was so nonchalant about the whole thing.

Being Happy?

I think Chads going to ask for a rein check on this whole marriage thing. Me and my 1200 medical issues. And I always thought he was the broken one in the family what with his wonky knees and alien toes. Apparently not.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I just discovered a scar on my ring finger

I spent the majority of today ripping out broken zippers from a bunch of dresses. While it was mostly relaxing and made the time go buy quickly, by the end of it I was so bored with ripping zippers I wanted to scream. There were probably a million more important things I could have done today, alas I had to de-zipper dresses. But anyways.

Money Eyes
I had a horrible sleep last night. My stomach was upset and I couldn't find a comfortable position. I got up to go to the bathroom at around 2:30 and when I got back to bed Chad had cuddled up to my side of the bed leaving me with 6 inches to sleep on. Every time I get up in the middle of the night and come back to bed he somehow realizes I'm not there and then takes over my side. If he wasn't so cute I'd poke him repeatedly.

My Dates

When I fell back alseep I had a dream that I was Monica from friends (becuase in reality I am) and I was dating Pierce Brosnan but he was in his late 70s. He was still super hot but really really old and wrinkly. I kept calling him Bond. He had a 7 year old daughter who would follow us. We made out but it was kinda creepy because of how old he was. A little odd.

Oilers Fan

I have no idea why I had a dream about him or what it meant. The last thing I watched before going to bed was Band of Brothers and Seinfeld so I have no idea were Pierce Brosnan fits in.
He is pretty hot but I'm a little creeped out.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eye Candy

This weekend was calmer then others. We had family dinners both Saturday & Sunday night but they didn't run late and we were able to make it to bed fairly early both nights. It was nice not to be rushed through the weekend while at the same time getting things done.

Chad is going to Calgary this weekend so it will be weird going to sleep and waking up with out him there. Not sure how that will go over. I always sleep better when I know hes right there beside me. It makes me kind of dread him going to Ottawa.

I've started writing all the Thank You cards from the wedding. I really want to get them done and over with so I don't have to worry about any more wedding stuff. We figured out which pictures we are going to put in with the Thank You cards but my Mom keeps changing her mind as to which one SHE thinks looks best. Its making me slightly mental because really, does it matter what picture we send to people? If they dislike it so much they can go print one on their own.

I printed off a couple of the professional wedding pictures and figured out a pretty cool display with them all. I organized 7 frames on one of our walls and made a kind of Photo Feature Wall. It makes me really excited every time I look at it. I want to try and add to it as time goes on but I think Chad will put his foot down and not let me make anymore holes in the walls.
Each little thing we add to the apartment makes it feel more and more like home. Hanging things on the walls, be it art or photos, is vital to making a space feel like a home. I don't like apartments that are stark with no personality and nothing on the walls. They don't feel like home. They feel like a temporary space for living.

Speaking of photos, here are a couple from our Italian Thanksgiving at my Godparents house this weekend.

Thanksgiving Italian Style
Family & Friends
Hi Cha Cha
Straight Hair
Jim's Excited
Best Friends
My hair is getting super long. Longer then its been in years. I'm thinking about getting its trimmed and possibly highlighted in the New Year. I'm not quite sure what to do. I wasn't going to get it cut until Marlee pointed out that the tips of my hair are most likely 4 years old. Shes probably right so its probably time to get them snipped off. Having hair on my head thats been there for 4 years is weird to think about. The oldest hair on Chads head is 4 weeks.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I need to get my eyebrows done

It's 4:00 on a Friday and I am fading fast.

I have to rush home to hopefully dinner on the table.

Then its Scotch Fest time. Yes its that time of year again. My 3rd visit to the house of Scotch. A bunch of the guys were suppose to join us but tickets sold out before they got the chance. So its just Chad, Pat & Me. And I don't even drink Scotch, so its kind of a waste. OH WELL. I'm their DD which is the most important thing.

I am hating my face right now, but just the right side. I don't understand where this came from. I feel really ugly every time I look in the mirror. Sorry, its just really pissing me off.

YAWN. Omg I am so exhausted for some reason. Physically, mentally. I just want to sleep.

My hair is all over the play. I look like a drugged out model. Its got a very odd consistency hap pening. I wish you could see it. I ve been obsessingly cutting off all the blond hairs.

Yesterday I was requested to work with Alicia to put together some outfits for our website. You know that just turned into us having way to much fun. We got the job done but not with out goofing off a bit. I mean what do you expect. Here is the result...

Excuse me?
Is it ok?
Belt Fixing
Jealous Pat?
Of me
Full Length
Le Sigh
Oh My!
Back Side
Tucked In
From the Side
Picture Time
Quick Fix

I feel gross and I can't figure out if thats because I am starving or if its because of the fruit source bar I ate. It looked a little funky but maybe thats what it is suppose to look like. How should I know.
Chad is ignoring me for Pat and Guitar Hero. Damn him.